I have received a new award from Dawn, of Dawn's Bloggy Blog. It is the Superior Scribbler Award, as you can see above. Thank you very much, Dawn. This is an unexpected honor, and I really do appreciate it.
Like most awards, it comes with a set of rules, as follows:
1. Name five other Superior Scribblers to receive this award.
2. Link to the author and name of the blog that gave you the award.
3. Display the award on your blog, with this LINK which explains the award.
4. Click on the award at the bottom of the link, and add your name to the
bottom of the list.
5. Post the rules.
This is the third time I have broken my own rule of not passing on awards. It is always so difficult to decide who, among so many great bloggers, should receive an award. For this one, there are so many I'd love to give it to, but I see that many have already received it recently. That makes it just a little easier.
Whenever I pass on an award, I want to make it clear that no obligation goes with it. The recipients may choose not to pass it on further, just please acknowledge it so that I know you received it. I would like to pass it to:
Deb, who writes Waltzes With Words, a wonderfully imaginative blog in which she shares her poetry and lovely photographs. More recently she has started a blog called Grouse and Chortle, which I enjoy just as much. She writes no less than four others as well! Go visit and learn about them.
Deborah, whose blog The Cloud Messenger is beautifully written and a real delight. It also contains really wonderful photos, and occasionally her poetry.
Ann writes four blogs, and I don't know how she does that:
Nature Tales and Camera Trails is just wonderful! Gallimaufry Gleanings is her newest, and I look forward to each new entry. Varying Seasons is her photo blog. New Brunswick Covered Bridges is self-explanatory.
Sylvia writes Sylvia from Over the Hill. I look forward to reading her posts every day - often two or three times a day. Always current, strong, informative, and often funny.
David is the author of Five String Guitar. I have been reading his blog a relatively short time, and have learned to love it. It is autobiographical and deals with his deafness and with his family. Inspiring, informative and very, very interesting.
I believe that is five. I can already think of at least five more. This is why I dislike passing on awards. There are so many others!
Again, thank you, Dawn. I love your blog, too. It's fun to follow your travels.
Congratulations and well deserved!
Thank you so much, Bobbie, I feel very honored! I'll get mine put together by this afternoon.
I am happy you like the award and can add it to your already full awards gallery...
keep bloggin...
You are a superior blogger indeed, and a heck of a nice person, too! Thanks for your kind words in passing it along - I'll get to work on it asap - Cheerio!!
Thank you, Bobbie. I appreciate your kindness and also your mention of other blogs which I was not acquainted with.
Congratulations! This award is well-deserved indeed! As for the holiday decorations in today's post and the reminder that Christmas is just two weeks away ... Methinks time is moving too fast!
Hugs and blessings,
Thank you Bobbie! I am indeed honored. It is so nice to recieve this, especially from you!
Congratulations on your well deserved award!
Love your Christmas decorations!!
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