The California contingent visited Earthbound Farm about a month ago. Isaac had insisted on decorating for Halloween very, very early, and decided he wanted to dress as T-Rex when the big day arrives. Kitty sent me pictures of the pumpkin choosing of course. I thought she might post some herself, but so far she hasn't, so I'm going to share.
It's become their tradition to choose pumpkins at Earthbound every year, and I have a whole series of pictures of Isaac among the squash there. They also enjoy the corn maze. Previous years they have sent videos of Isaac wandering through it. This year he and a friend went running through so fast, there wasn't time for a video.
Bert and Ernie are the result of Mike and Isaac's carving this year. I showed them on my Mellow Yellow earlier.
Pretty cute, huh?
Here at home I haven't done a whole lot of decorating, but I do have this.
Isaac picked a great pumpkin :)
and I love the carving
Isaac is such a cutie!! And what fun he is having! Love all your colorful photos, Bobbie! And I love your decoration for Halloween, too!
Have a great day!
Great pictures to get everyone in the mood for Halloween. Isaac is such a cutie!
Sweet .. I love seeing everyone's Halloween decor!
I miss the pumpkin patch... I paid 20 euros for four pumpkins I had to order in advance at the market today. But it just wouldn't be autumn without carving pumpkins!
Thanks for all your comments... I like coming here too!
You're way ahead of me. I don't have any fall decorations out but then again, very few people here decorate their houses with fall decor. Isaac is one very adorable cutie!
I think I'll write a blog post about the pagan holiday that Halloween is taken from. I was going to write it here but this is for commenting on your lovely grandson and his pumpkins and your fun decorations.
He is soooo cute....
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