This Friday, March 26th, is a day dedicated to Epilepsy Awareness.
Purple Day was founded in 2008 by a nine year old girl, Cassidy Megan, from Nova Scotia, Canada. She suffers from epilepsy, as do fifty million people around the world. She decided that she wanted the rest of us to become more aware of the problems involved with epilepsy, and that one way to do that was to ask us to wear the color purple on one day a year.
You can read about her at this site. (T-shirts are available.)
I had a friend who had epilepsy
she often said that the lack of awareness of her condition was almost as difficult as the issue itself
Now, this I can do .. I like supporting causes but I do need some advance warning .. and so this Friday I shall be wearing purple, which BTW is one of my favorite colors!
Thanks for letting me know Bobbie..
Great idea and great kid. The world needs more people with such spirit.
I will be wearing purple, which also happens to be a favorite color of mine!
Thank you Bobbie. I really appreciate this shout out to purple day. I will definitely be wearing my purples for the day. I hope that one day, my seizures will be better understood as millions others out there so that we can live as normal lives as possible and be better accepted into society....
Thanks so much again...
Hugs and kisses. ♥♥
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