Saturday, December 6, 2008

Camera Critters #35


We owe thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting Camera Critters for us each week. Here it is, that time of the week again, and I have no current critter pictures. Maybe it's just as well. I can go back to warmer days, and find pictures of the many geese that frequent our area. I love to watch them in the spring, when the goslings are hatching.

I have posted this first picture in my blog on other
occasions. It is my all time favorite because the was taken in a meadow that I love. At the time, the eggs were hatching or had just hatched. No goslings in sight, but lots of parents on the path and challenging those of us who came too near.

The rest of my pictures were all from the area around Lily Lake.

Mama and Papa often led the goslings across the street from the lake to see what could be found on the lawns of nearby homes.

I like this one, standing on the s



Sylvia K said...

Oh, I love the geese! and the babies! Just lovely and what a great smile they gave me for this old gray, gloomy day. Thanks, Bobbie!

Anonymous said...

Geese used to be something I saw in the spring and fall and actually they were so high up that it was their calls that I heard and looked up. Now, we also have them here all the time and everywhere. The one rest home facility has lots of ponds which the geese love and they hire a guy to keep the sidewalks hosed off from their manure.

Here where I live in Southwestern Ohio, north of Dayton, the home of aviation, the Wright Brothers and Paul Lawrence Dunbar, the poet; it is snowing and has all day. It is 27 degrees F ( -2.7 C)and roads are a mess.

I wanted to thank you for your visits and for keeping track of me while I have been both in and out of the hospital.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love that Mama-Papa photo! So cute.

My critter is posted here. Have a look if you have the time. Thanks!

Teena in Toronto said...

The babies are so cute!

I played too :)

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Hello! They are so cute. Lisa

i beati said...

quite appealing Sandy

Anonymous said...

I love that first one too. I would love to follow that trail.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful birds and I love the babies too!

KG said...

Those little guys are so cute. I miss seeing those big, gorgeous geese that I used to see Up North. But I'm sure I'll see them again!

Indrani said...

They are such beautiful shots!
A family out there in the open.

AppleDebbie said...

We have Canada Geese at our lake too. I love the little babies... they're so cute! Wonderful photos!

Grammy said...

Great photos.I love the baby geese.
This is my first time on Camera critters.
Have a great week.

Kay said...

These are such wonderful shots. I love seeing all those beautiful birds.

Rosebud Collection said...

What wonderful pictures..Just think they are beautiful..Something about the geese..When I see them fly over, I have to stop everything and just watch them on their journey.

Dianne said...

I love the geese too!
A mama once chased me across a parking lot!! I kept telling her I just wanted to take a photo of the lovely baby but she wasn't believing me
can't blame her

Mamapippa ... said...

I don't like geese very much. Once, i've been bitten by a goose in my butt ...
But the photos are very beautiful !
Greetings from Belgium !

b13 said...

BABIES! I love geese babies :)

Gretchen said...

Love the one of momma and her babies crossing the road. :)

storyteller said...

How fun to see these geese and their goslings ... thanks for sharing.
Hugs and blessings,

Cliff said...

I too love the goose picture. You should title it, "Watch your step."
I'd seen the babies laughing vid before. You just can't help but laugh with kids when they laugh.

Anonymous said...

Great how they are guardians on the path. And nice fern shadows.

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

The picture of the geese by the pond with the shadows coming through the trees is our favorite... takes us back to warmer days!
Karla & Karrie

Anonymous said...

Great geese and goslings! There must have been 200 geese the other morning, rummaging for seeds on the frost-covered polo field at Myopia Hunt Club... hardy fowl, indeed. /Deb

Cathy said...

Love these photos!

Unknown said...

So enjoy these pictures..I'll have to go to the zoo to see any..

Misty DawnS said...

Awesome shots! I especially love the first one. It looks like you live in a very beautiful area.