Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Baseball and Blogging

I was having a telephone conversation with my three year old grandson the other day regarding a baseball game he and his dad had been watching. Now, you understand, that what passes as a conversation, especially on the phone, consists of an announcement on his part that this event had taken place, followed by a series of questions on my part to which he answers, "Yeah!" This time he did then ask me a question, which his mom had to translate for me. He asked if I had ever seen a baseball game. My answer was, "Yeah!"

It started me on yet another reminiscence. No, I did not inflict this one on a three year old.

I have attended many baseball games. But way-back-when I attended a game between the Phillies and the Tigers, at Connie Mack Stadium. Saw Connie Mack himself, too. I have no recollection of who won the game but I do remember the summer sun and the climb up to our seats, and the hot dog that I ate and the old man waving to the crowd. A lovely, warm memory.

My grandson is, of course, not only the cutest, but the most accomplished three year old who ever lived. He has the added advantage of living 3,000 miles away from me so I only get the cleverest and funniest side of him, and never hear any whining or tantrums or see any bratty behavior. I get to see pictures and read his mother's blog entries (Fetal Positions II: beyond the pregnancy chronicles). She is a talented writer and poet and manages to paint me wonderful pictures in words. She is too busy these days to blog every day. But I check every day to be sure I don't miss anything. She writes about her son of course, but adds commentary on our world - politics, the environment, her observations on mankind.

Shameless plug: Just look over there to your left and click on Fetal Positions II, under My Favorites. She is most definitely my perso
nal favorite.


  1. you weren't just being grandma and embellishing about your grandson. he really is soooo adorable! awwwwwww.

  2. What a cutie. I too love being an Auntie and adoring "the littles". I'll never be a Gram but I'm "interviewing" ;D potential surrogate grandkids.
    Thank you sooo much for adding me to your sidebar! When I saw my blog listed there I got the warm fuzzies, I'm honored.

  3. they're both adorable! I will check out her blog.

    I have wonderful memories of taking my son to Yankee games. We always got there early and watched batting practice and talked to the players. I'll never forget when Dave Winfield hit a huge one and it hovered about our heads and then fell into my son's soda cup!

    all he wanted to know was if he could have another soda! LOL

    Good times.

  4. When my grandsons were three, I would have argued with you....LOL

    I'll check out her blog now!

  5. What a cute picture. I also have a grand daughter that lives thousands of miles away. When she calls me it is my highlight of the week

  6. Bobbie: Still don,t understand why you get a by invitationn only for your blog roll> I am listed on several others!

  7. I find you're a lover of Barbara Kingsolver--me, too!
    Very nice space you have and a great way these days to share with family and friends!

    Be back soon.
