Friday, February 29, 2008

World Hunger

If you are interested in doing a little something to make this world a better place, please consider stopping by this site. You will find many various ways to accomplish a lot with very little effort.

There are gifts to buy for family and friends, lovely ecards to send, free of charge, ways to help with just the click of a button.

I found the site this morning, while reading the Savage Chickens cartoon, of all things. Started looking through the many pages of gifts, and picked out a T-shirt for one of my daughters. Also sent an ecard to one of them. Everything you find to do or to buy on the site benefits someone somewhere. Take a look. See what you think. Sounds to me like that "Every Day Kindness" that Dianne talks about.

"Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars, to change the world." - Harriet Tubman


  1. Thanks, Bobbie, I'll check it out.

  2. It is a great site bobbie and it links to the animal rescue site and the rainforest site and the breast cancer research site - by one click folks can do so much.

    and each site has wonderful stuff to buy as you described. the animal site has the best catnip toys - Siren swears by them. my son still wears the shirt I got him from the rain forest site - it lasts forever (unlike the rain forest if we all don't do more)- all the merchandise is reasonably priced and the proceeds do so much good!

    what a great post! and a perfect example of everyday kindness, all ya gotta do is click ;)

  3. I have a link to this site on my blog too. Now why didn't I think to write about it to get more people involved? And they do have beautiful stuff there.

  4. Bobbie: I checked out the site, it's a great one. Will be ordering something for my girls and myself soon.

  5. I'm so glad you're all happy with it. I don't have much money to buy merchandise, (I pretty much live on Social Security.) but clicking is easy.

  6. Thanks, Bobbie! This is a site that I keep on my homepage and click everyday! It's great that there are sites like this. Every little bit helps.
