Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Five long years ago today, the United States of America invaded the country of Iraq.

How much longer? How many more lives, American and Iraqi, must be lost?


  1. Too long, I fear. Will Obama or Clinton really be able to make a difference? Bush has already done the damage (with help from that idiot, Blair) and now he can walk away from his wicked mess.

  2. Good question, Bobbie and good answer from Singing Bear. I don't think we can know that answer for a good long while. We will pay for years (and not just in money) for this war. I hate that Dubya gets off scot-free, so to speak.

  3. There's still the possibility of impeachment. A pretty distant possibility I grant you, but over a million people have signed a petition for it. Knowing that has to mean something.

  4. Hi Bobbie,
    You know so many things about life. I really like coming here to discover your thoughts. I was so busy with my own little dramas that I forgot about this Blog for Peace day. This occupation is such a disgrace, both to the United States, and to the human race in general. I think about the people in Iraq every day. I am so angered and irate that Bush and his crime buddies get off scott-free. Thank you for this post.

  5. If ever a president deserved impeachment, it is this one.

    I'm glad you participated in the blogswarm, bobbie.

  6. Hmm . . . ask my husband who is in Iraq? ;-)

  7. What does he say, hot mama? I'd very much like to hear it. I know that there is disagreement even (or especially?) among those who are there, and I would like to know how he feels.

  8. I would love for there to be impeachment hearings! It would honor the men and women - like hot mama's husband - whose commander in chief didn't care enough about to do his homework and who were taken from the real task (finding Bin Laden) and sent to fight the oil man's war.

    A neighbor's son was killed in Iraq. She mourns losing him everyday and feels betrayed by her President. Her husband, a Viet Nam vet, is inconsolable. He felt Nam was a blunder but nothing compared to the insanity of Iraq.

    Meanwhile George dances while waiting for McCain who doesn't care if we're in Iraq for 100 years.


  9. Well . . . as much as I'd like to get into that discussion, I can't . . because he could get in big trouble! Military people aren't allowed to have opinions on politics, really. Not publicly anyway! Just think of the State of the Union . . . the military types never clap. Maybe by email . . . heh.

  10. It's interesting that Clinton nearly got impeached over his scandalous affair with Miss Lewinsky but it's doubtful if Bush or Blair will ever have to answer for their deeds. As much as Clinton was acting immorally and irresponsibly, I somehow think that the needless slaughter of well over 100,000 civilians (see medical journal 'The Lancet') is far worse than sexual foolishness. It's rumoured that that great Christian (and who am I to judge?), Mr. Blair, has asked God for forgiveness and feels he has The Lord's blessing. I truly believe both should stand trial for war crimes. They lied and lied and lied some more to drag us into war. No one can deny that Saddam was an evil tyrant but freeing the Iraqi people was never the goal of the US or the UK. It's all about power. The dolts never even had a plan for the 'peace'. I now fear that the US is eyeing Iran. Lord help us all.

    I feel very sorry for the soldiers of the US and UK who are putting themselves on the line for such greed and stupidity.

  11. This has become an interesting discussion. My email address is:
    I read a heartbreaking blog post this morning from an Iraqi gentleman. If anyone is interested, you will find it at Be prepared to shed some tears. I'm wondering if I should post it. Or one of you might want to do that.

  12. I just get more angry as time goes on! Bush will walk away and have some one else clean up his mess! He should be impeached and tried for war crimes. He is a disgrace not only to America but the human race!
