Saturday, May 10, 2008


This is the same little hummer I pictured on Thursday. She seems to
have decided that my feeder belongs to her. I have had several hummers visit often since that first day, April 24th. She was not the first to arrive, but came along soon after. The males come first, to scout out the area.

I have no clue where they are nesting this year. I would have thought it would be in my neighbor's back yard, but she has adopted a couple of kittens whose mother had them in her tool shed last spring. Since they are outdoor cats, and love climbing trees, her yard wouldn't be a very safe place for nesting hummers this season.

Wherever they have nested, they like to visit my feeder and flowers. But this little lady chases the others whenever she sees them. I do intend to hang a second feeder soon. That may help a little. It gives me so much pleasure to watch them. Their ability to hover and to fly backwards and to move so fast is just amazing to me. It's hard to believe that something so tiny and delicate looking can survive out there.

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