Sunday, June 15, 2008

Random Stuff

"Firefox cannot find a server at" - and I couldn't figure it out for myself? Had to call Villas Girl, who asked me if my modem was on. Oh yeah - the modem! I'd turned it off along with the computer last night when thunder started to rumble. - Duh.


And speaking of storms - How come we get a Weather Bureau ticker on the TV screen at 3:19pm to warn us that there is a severe storm watch in our county "until 3:30pm:? (and the sun shining brightly all afternoon) - Duh, again.


Kitty and family are home again. She promises to try to blog soon about Cape Cod. Can't wait. Hope she adds pictures - although she's already posted a lot on Flickr. I'm always hungry for more.


I have a crabby old lady question: Why do parents let their children scream? I don't mean yelling. Children yelling back and forth and laughing at play - that's fine with me. I mean shrill, blood curdling screams, as if they're being killed. If they're allowed to do that constantly, for no good reason, how are we supposed to know if they are really hurt or in danger? It's only certain children who seem to do it, and they're usually all in the same family.


It's very hot. And they say hotter tomorrow. Good Lord! It's only June!


Can you tell, it's been a quiet Sunday and I'm a little bored? I don't like being bored. It's a very uncomfortable feeling. Glad it doesn't happen often. Maybe I'll just play another game of mah jongg.


Still 218 more days.


  1. Oh... some days are just that way, I guess. Hope tomorrow's more to your liking!

  2. "Why do parents let their children scream?
    It's only certain children who seem to do it, and they're usually all in the same family."

    And they live next door to me.
    I have a difficult time in the summer because I prefer having my windows open but for my own sanity I keep them closed and use the AC.

  3. Lovely post. I've always especially enjoyed people's random thoughts.

    We have a neighbor on one side who rents, rather than owns. They aren't the best neighbors but we keep our distance.

    They allow their little girl to stand outside in the yard and just shriek. I don't even get it, but she does this about once a week. AWFUL.

  4. I have screamers too! After all the years of living in Brooklyn what I really liked about it here was the quiet.

    it's still quieter than Brooklyn but there are 2 little boys, brothers, who scream about everything. and they're such mean spirited little boys. they throw rocks at squirrels and pull limbs off the tree. their house always seems about to explode in chaos.
