Thursday, July 17, 2008

In Their Boots

May I suggest you go to this site:

Watch the video. See what life is like for some of our U.S.Marines and their families.

Thanks to The Pagan Sphinx for providing the link to this weekly online program.
In Their Boots will be shown at 7:00 pm EST on Wednesdays. You can see Episode 2 if you log on now.


  1. Thank you for posting this and getting the word out.

  2. I realized after posting that it ys right before Sky Watch. Might not have been the best spot.

  3. Thank you so much for the post! I can tell anybody who wants to know what life is like for families of Army active duty members ...

  4. Bobbie,

    If your interested, you might want to check out this site below. I got this from Buck's blogsite also. It has photo's of all the fallen heroes in the war. It sure puts the reality of it all even more in perspective.

    Also, Buck (from Canada) has some really other informative posts with information and links to sites that will shock you. You can Link to Buck's blog from my "favorte blogs" on my America As Seen By Kelly blog, if your interested...

    All of your hard work and dedication to this cause has me wanting to do anything that I can!! Many thanks and kudos for all of your attention to this "cause"!


  5. Thank you, Kelly, for all your help. See my July 18 entry - I linked to your blog.
