Thursday, September 11, 2008

Another Memorial Day

In a sense, that is what today is.

When I was in the sixth grade, we had to write "An Ode to Memorial Day" as a class exercise. Mine started like this:

We talk a lot. We use a lot of words.
We don't say much. There's not much can be said.
We talk of war. We say "Lest we forget..."
Why not forget? Will our remembering help?

It went on of course, rather cynically I think. I was only eleven. I don't even remember now how the rest of the poem went. Perhaps that's just as well.

Yes. Remembering helps. Hopefully, it often keeps us from making the same mistakes. Sometimes, if we're smart enough, it helps us prepare for things we cannot anticipate. Unfortunately, sometimes it gives powerful people ways to use their power for evil.

But it also gives us the opportunity to realize how much we loved. It gives us the opportunity to honor those we never knew in life, but respect beyond words for their valor and self-sacrifice.


  1. Well said, and thank you for remembering today.

  2. I remember so well 9/11. I know exactly where I was all day. Glued to the tv and not believing my eyes. I was still working then and we watched all day at work. It was like the day the world stood still.
    So many lives lost for nothing.

  3. A wonderful examination of life, love and memory on this special day. Thanks, Bobbie.

  4. Remembering and sharing ... help to ease the ache



  5. An excellent post, Bobbie, and a nice tribute. Thank you for stopping by my blog during my downtime. I'm still not quite 100%, but doing better. Your comments and visits were very much appreciated.

  6. Bobbie:
    You have so eloquently said how I feel today on this, the anniverary of 9/11/01.
    We remember, we honour, we love but we also question.
    "All we are saying is give PEACE a chance."

    Bear((( )))

  7. I'm sure we each have very personal memories about that day and we will never forget. But let us hope that politicians don't use this day and the fear it reminds us of, to push their own agenda. Great post!

  8. As always your words make me calm. They make me feel comforted.

    Thank you Bobbie

  9. Peace Bobbi-

    How is Wyetta, and was she from tennessee, and then moved to texas, extremely kind and funny and talented, and beautiful.

  10. No, Hafeesa, Wyetta was not from Tennessee. Thank you for asking about her. She is doing very well. I see her as often as I can, and she has visits from her daughters and from people from her church.
