Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Bail Out

Want to protest the Bail Out?

You can join thousands of others protesting. Click on this link:

Let your Congressman know how you feel.
As of yesterday, over 100,000 letters of protest had been delivered.


Here's another choice, thanks to Dianne of Forks Off the Moment. She has suggested this means of communicating your feelings to Washington. It is
a form you can use, from Barack Obama's site. You may prefer this one.
Obama sponsored petition


  1. I like the new look. We all need change once in a while! I will check out the link. Thanks, Bobbie

  2. I signed a petition yesterday sponsered by Obama. The thing I liked about it was that it allows us to tell our own economic story.

    But then again that's Obama!

    Obama sponsored petition

  3. Thanks, Di. I added it to the post.

  4. I signed yesterday AND I sent an email to Obama urging him to go ahead with the debate ... if a man cant multitask he really shouldnt run for President ... maybe there's a town in Alaska that needs a new mayor ..


  5. I've done them both and I'll add the info to my site as well.

    Thanks as always, Bobbi!

  6. I hit the send key too soon -- ah age! I done both of these and will add the info to my site. We have to do all we can.
    Thanks as always, Bobbi!

  7. The bailout is insane! $700 billion and NO OVERSIGHT? What sort of crack is that "man" smoking? There is no way the CEOs who are responsible for this mess should be getting millions in bonuses for destroying their companies. It's just too mind boggling for me.

    Will go sign that petition next.

  8. I went to thursday's protest on Wall St. It was great.

  9. libhom, I envy you that trip. I don't much like crowds, but I think I'd have enjoyed that one.
