Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thank you, Kelly and Bear

A very sweet blogger, Kelly, of America As Seen by Kelly, has given me an award. It's a lovely one, and comes with very easy rules to follow. Just list six things that make you happy, and pass it on to six others. Six things that make me happy should be easy. Well, on second thought, maybe not because it is hard to limit it to six.

l. Family has always been the center of my life. My husband made me happier than anyone has a right to be. And my children and grandchildren are a joy.

2. Friends are so important to happiness. I have very few old friends left any more. We do grow old and we do die. That's just the way life goes. But all of them are still in my heart and memories make me happy. I have a handful, scattered across the country, and we keep in touch, mostly by email now. And I have two very dear friends here, now. They are both y
oung enough to be my daughters, but are precious to me nonetheless.

3. Fotography is a great joy to me. (I had to keep that "F" theme, didn't I?) I just love it and find it a diversion I never want to give up.

4. and 5. Flora and Fauna. I do love Mother Nature.

6. Fun. Fun encompasses all of the above and more. It includes blogging and other writing, music, art, people watching, finding humor in whatever life tosses my way.

Most recently, I have passed when it came to choosing others to receive awards, with the one exception of the one for Solidarity Among Left of Center Bloggers.
And on that one I kind of regretted not including several more. I don't generally like to choose, partly because of having to leave out some, and partly because of not wanting to obligate others. There are so many really creative bloggers! I find more every day. My "Favorites" list is so long it is getting absurd. My list of "Must Read Every Day" on my sidebar doesn't l
ook very long, but in reality, there are so many others, I've given up trying to list them all. Please feel free to sit yourself down and list six things that make you happy, and send this fun award on if you like.

Kelly, thank you once again. I enjoy your blog and your pictures and your comments. I appreciate your award so very much. Here. This i
s for you. You will probably recognize it. It originally came from Michele, up in the Rocky Mountains. She graciously extended it to all of her blogging friends, and so I'm passing this one on to you. She won't mind.


And this morning Bear Naked gave me another award! It is the Million Dollar Friend Award.

Well, Bear, here is one of Michelle's hugs for you, too.

I love your blog, Bear. I love those teddy bears, and never cease to wonder at how you manage to come up with a new and different way to dress them appropriately to whatever topic is on the menu each day. Always an interesting topic.

Once again, there are rules that come with the award:

1. Only five people allowed.
2. Four have to be dedicated followers of your blog.
3. One has to be someone new or recently new to your blog.
4. You must link back to whoever has given you the award.

Well, that last one is easy. The other three, not so much. And once again, I am going to decline to pass it on. As you said of your own followers, Bear, every one of them is a Million Dollar Friend. I feel that way too, and just cannot begin to choose only five. In the short time I have been blogging, my readers have become a real necessity in my life. I cherish each one. Thank you so much for thinking of me as a friend, and giving me this award!


  1. We do feel so much the same about so many things and I know that blogging has made such a difference in my life, just as it has in yours. I think we're very fortunate to have drawn so many lovely and wonderful people to read our blogs. Thank you for your support of mine and I will certainly continue to support yours and it's easy because I enjoy all the things you share.

  2. Thanks for the "Hug" I will be happy to post it on my sidebar.
    Happy blogging.

    Bear((( )))

  3. So well deserved ... I enjoy coming here to share your POV and to read your reminices ... and those chicken jokes


  4. Very nice awards, and well deserved!

  5. Congratulations on all your well-deserved awards. I concur with your views about how challenging it can be to decide how and to whom to pass along awards and often wind up giving them to everyone on any of my Blog Rolls and/or to those who visit and leave me comments on any sort of regular basis … ultimately leaving it up to others to decide. I’m not sure there are any simple answers to the dilemma … and lately I’ve begun to make my own awards to share for a variety of reasons with 'no rulez' attached. I love this ‘Hug’ award and may make something similar to it to share soon … just because ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,
