Monday, November 17, 2008

Maya Angelou - and Human Rights

One of the heroes in my life is Maya Angelou, because of her books, her wonderful poetry, and mostly because of what she has done with her life. She suffered through some terrible experiences early in her life, but in spite of,or perhaps because of them, she has spent her time and energy bringing hope and inspiration to the rest of us.

Today Maya Angelou and her good friend, Norman Lear, will be honored with the Marian Anderson Award, for humanitarian leadership by an artist. One of many honors received by this wonderful woman. Well deserved.


I was very happy to read in the Philadelphia Inquirer yesterday of the thousands who turned out Saturday for the Human Rights Rally at City Hall. I also heard from Pagan Sphinx and from Cunning Runt, of a similar successful rally up in Northampton, Massachusetts, and from my daughter of others out in Salinas and in other cities in California.

On a much smaller scale, I was pleasantly surprised at the positive reception to my own small post on Friday. Restores one's faith in human nature a bit.

I understand that at the rally in Northampton someone carried a sign that read, "Separation of Church and Hate". That one really got to me. It is so sad that people who believe themselves to be God-fearing and morally upright cannot understand that their hatred makes them anything but what they profess to be. God created all of us as we are. Man created laws that say He must have made a mistake.


  1. Maya Angelou has long been a very favorite writer and person of mine. She is such a strong woman and has stood tall during all that has happened in her life.

  2. A very interesting blog, I enjoyed the read, I am a very positive person and found your blog "refreshing" Good luck


  3. I know someone who was at that big Philadelphia rally - the best sign from there was an older woman's that read: "I'm too old for this shit. Equal Rights Now!" I have a picture, I'll ask if I can send it.

  4. Maya Angelou is am utter inspiration. She deserves all the awards she can get.

  5. Thank you so much. This means a lot to me. It truly does.

  6. So true about the Church and Hate. Sad commentary on the many who believe they are God fearing and choose to fear anyone not sharing their exact same beliefs.

  7. Human Rights ! Great words, but who respects them ???

  8. Web Radio - Who respects them? For a start - those who comment here. there are more of us than you might realize. And the numbers are growing.

  9. I'll have to get myself more acquainted with the works of Maya Angelou I think!

  10. Sorry to be late to this post. Thank you, Bobbie, for caring about my daughter and others like her who have had their civil rights taken away from them due to the efforts of lots of money from the religous right.

    Maya Angelou is perfect for this post.

    Peace to you and yours,
