Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Thematic Photographic #29 Part 2

This week's theme for Thematic Photographic is Quiet. I have published three photos on the theme already, but it intrigues me. I think that it is so appropriate to the season of Peace that I want to publish a few more. At least one of them has appeared before in my blog. I find them all so restful to look at.

First is a green frond with a couple of visitors who seem to be very still.

Next is a sunrise over Cape May Harbor.

And finally I return to one of my favorite spots in this world, at Leaming's Run Gardens.

For more quiet photos, see Carmi at Written Inc.


  1. All very serene, Bobbie.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. On my! Very fitting. Very peaceful and quiet. Lisa

  3. Oh and I forgot. The snow adds to the peace and quiet. Lisa

  4. Serene indeed .. and I like the new color scheme AND the snow ...


  5. Wonderful peaceful scenes and so appropriate to the season. We could all use a little peace right now!

  6. Love your beautiful and serene photos! Thanks so much for sharing -- as always!

  7. This is a welcome change from all our snow. Very nice pictures.
