Thursday, January 29, 2009

Equal Pay

Today is the day, ladies! Today President Obama will sign the bill that guarantees women equal pay for equal work! And about time too!


For anyone from my neck of the woods - Please be aware that Mr. LoBiondo chose to vote NO on this bill.


  1. Bless Obama!! I wonder how companies will try to get around it by saying that the work isn't really equal.

  2. I thought Equal Pay for Equal Work was sorted out years ago! I can't believe it's still an issue. All my teaching life here in Australia I was paid the same as a man!

  3. It was more a problem getting it through congress than the White House. But it would seem we've got that problem sorted too.

    Whatever was holding that up, you're right... it's about time. What's galling is that it had to be legislated in the first place. Equal pay for equal work should never have been an issue that needed to be taken up by Congress. No more than One Person, One Vote should be.

    Just sayin'.

  4. I had no idea, but I'm thrilled. I can't believe it's finally happened.

  5. Posts like this are why I have another award waiting for you to pick up at my blog. :-)

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Please come take the icon you admired! :-)

  7. I was so happy to see the woman who inspired this bill standing up there with the President

    I am very angry and disgusted and frustrated that not a single Republican voted for the stimulus package - even after they got their compromises

    these morons just won't give it up
