Friday, February 13, 2009

Re: Public Library Service in NJ

This email from New Jersey Library Assoc. Executive Director, came to my attention today regarding new legislation pending. If you are interested in the public libraries in our state, please take note.




A3753 was introduced on Monday by Assemblyman Vincent Prieto (District 32). This bill is in response to the League of Municipalities' recent resolution to lower the minimum funding level
for municipal public libraries from 1/3 mill in equalized valuation to 1/6 mill. Libraries funded at current minimum 1/3 mill could see their funding cut by 50%.

Act now.

Passage of the legislation would be disastrous for public library service in our state. At this time it is imperative that all library supporters contact members of the Assembly and tell them you oppose this bill. We also request that they not sign-on as a co-sponsor of this legislation.

At this time there is no companion legislation in the Senate but it could be coming. A3753 has been referred to the Assembly Housing and Local Government Committee. The next committee meeting is scheduled for March 9. Currently there is no agenda available for this meeting so we don't know if it will be heard on that date.

Members of the Housing and Local Government Committee are:

Assemblyman Jerry Green (District 22) chair; Assembywoman Mila Jasey (District 27) vice-
chair; Assembyman Michael Patrick Carroll (District 25); Assemblywoman Nilsa Cruz-Perez (District 5); Assemblyman Frederick Scalera (District 36) and Assemblywoman Charlotte Vandervalk (District 39). It is essential that libraries represented by these committee members contact them immediately.

Use NJLA's new Advocacy Tool to make your contacts. This tool uses Capwiz, an advocacy tool provided through ALA. Follow this link:

Select the alert titled Library Funding Threatened

Read the description of the issue and enter your zip code. If you live in a split district you may have to enter your full address.

You will then see a screen indicating which legislators will get the email letter you can create with this tool. Text is provided but you may edit it (in fact we encourage you to do so) to make your message more personal.

Fill in the sender information and send your message. Remember that anyone may send a message from this system, just provide them the above URL. The default is to send an email letter but you can opt to print the letter as well.

Share this URL with your trustees, friends, staff and community - anyone may use it!

We will keep you informed of any new information. Please contact the NJLA office at 609-394-8032 or email me at if you have any questions or information on this legislation.


  1. Saddened but not surprised. There is a library on Amsterdam btwn 81-82 Sts that is undergoing a renovation and has been closed for almost a year .. and from the outside its hard to tell how far from completion they might be ...
