Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Interesting that I happened to post what I did today, then I found David's post waiting to be read. David writes Five String Guitar. It is a beautiful blog in which he has been telling us about his struggle with deafness, and about his life, caring for his wife, Janet, who has had a four year fight for life with leukemia, and about their fourteen year old son, who I am sure has gained maturity beyond his years.

On Saturday, Janet lost her battle, and slipped quietly away. David's post today is a very lovely tribute to his wife.

I love what he has told us about Janet's attitude toward life and death.


  1. The link to David's blog didn't work for me but I wanted to send supportive, healing thoughts to him and his son. How tragic yet so much a part of what we endure in life and love. Of everything, loss has got to be the hardest to deal with.

  2. I'll try to check this out when I'm feeling a bit stronger. I'm a bit shaky this morning. I want to go find my happy place first. I'm so very sorry for David.

  3. The link works for me. If it doesn't for you, he is at: http://fivestringguitar.blogspot.com/

  4. Thanks, Bobbie, I will pay a visit.

  5. It's a touching tribute, and though I never knew Janet it is possible to now in the tribute David paid her.

    He's touched souls with his tribute.

  6. it is an incredibly beautiful tribute - David always amazes me with his heart and strength and grace

  7. such a touching tribute to his wife & so very sad too. Your stories about your own experiences are pretty amazing Bobbie.
    & I also feel for you with your kids telling their stories. I am sure my brothers & I are guilty of doing the same thing on some level. But I can tell you if your kids are anything like my brothers & I, it's probably more mischief than anything else. I also know from your blog you are a very loving person so I am sure it couldn't have been too bad! I like how you wrote about it & what your perspective is though. It's all very interesting.
