Monday, March 2, 2009

Make Another Note: Winter Is Back

I really have to giggle. In her comment on my Mellow Yellow Monday, Kay wished me a "...sunshiney, warm buttercup Monday". That was last night. Thank you for that, Kay, I do appreciate it. But this is Monday morning. The crocuses and daffodils I pictured a couple of days ago are now pretty well buried in this, taken from inside my living room, sticking my arm out the door. We got about six inches last night and they say it isn't over. It's sleeting now. This, for our little town that is usually protected, and the big storms miss us entirely. This one came up from the south instead of the usual path, and caught us squarely.

Guess this means I'm snowed in for a couple of days unless we get an unexpected heat wave, or some kind hearted soul decides to shovel me out. I can't use my handicap ramp if there's ice and snow on it. I would go sailing down, into a drift, and they'd find me during the spring thaw.

It could be a lot worse of course. For instance, Lisa just emailed me. She has no heat.

I'm sure that people in New England or in the Midwest are laughing at me, but I have trouble walking on a nice, sunny day, so six inches or so just do me in. when I was young and lived in Pennsylvania and then in New York, I'd have laughed at this too. Now it's a big deal. Wish I could still use the shovel.

I'm sure our road will be plowed - eventually. Then my driveway will be plowed in. Something else to look forward to. As you see from the picture, many people here do not have driveways like I do, and park on the road. That doesn't help the plows - or the cars that the plows will block in. But many of the homes on our block sit on 50 foot wide properties. Mine does, but I do have the driveway. Hardly an ideal situation. I've never before lived in a place that didn't have more elbow room than this. It can get a bit claustrophobic at times.

I reached out and made a snow ball. Perfect packing snow! I'd love to be able to build another snowman on my back deck. But this year I'll just look at pictures of the past - like these., which you may remember.

The one on the left was on my back deck. And the other, taken in New York many years ago of my three oldest.


  1. I can't believe they were right. Who would have thought that. Not me.
    It's not to bad in the house, 60 degrees. If I stay still to long, I get chilly. Hopefully the repair guy will be here soon. Lisa

  2. Wonderful .. while housebound you can at least be warmed by memories!

  3. Enjoyed the snow pics! I've been out chronicling our New England storm, as well. I'm truly ready for spring, now! /Deb
