Friday, May 15, 2009

Thematic Photographic #49

Carmi brings us Thematic Photographic with a new theme each week. This week's theme is Human, and Carmi's first photo for the theme says it loud and clear. Go visit Written, Inc. and see for yourself.

My own contribution is here. It is of my cardiologist, explaining my echo cardiogram. (Yes, I am that much of a photonut that I asked if I could take a picture.)

With his left hand, he is demonstrating the valve action of the heart.


  1. You had to get an echocardiogram? Is everything OK, Bobbie?

  2. thanks for asking, Kay. I'm 77 years old. I've had a few.

  3. thats a cool picture - 77 is the new 55 - wishing you great health :)

  4. Glad all is well, Bobbie, I'll be 76 in August and fortunately all is well so far! This is an interesting shot and we are getting to be photo nuts, aren't we! Love it! Have a great weekend!

  5. Isn't the heart magnificent! So glad to know that yours is still beating! So nice of your doc to let you photograph him!

  6. That's my mother's age. I think she may actually be 78 already. Isn't that aweful that I'm not sure?

    Anyway, she has a lot of surgeries.

    This is a really cool idea, Bobbie and it's such an interesting take on the theme. I want to submit somthing but I don't know if I'll have time to get around to it. So many blogs, so little time.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. It reminds me of the sonogram I had done recently ... :-)
