Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Small Break

Good morning folks.

I think I am about to take a small break from my computer. I hope it won't be a long one. I do love my computer. But I am feeling the heat and just not feeling too well these days. Please forgive me if I do not post nor comment very much for a little while. I do have one or two small posts scheduled, but don't really feel up to much more just now.

Hope to be back with you very soon.
Love, Bobbie


  1. The heat really affects me, too. Hope you are feeling better. Take good care of yourself.

  2. the heat is getting to a lot of people
    and next week is supposed to be especially hot

    feel better
    take care of yourself
    a break is good

  3. Take the time you need, and beat that heat. We'll be here...

  4. Yes, Bobbie, take the time you need, but you will be missed! And a break is always good -- I got a bit of one when my kids where here. I wish I could send you some of our cool, lovely weather!

    And, yes, you'll be missed, but we'll be here for you.


  5. Bobbie, we will miss you and hope that you will be feeling better soon. I am right now listening live to Obama speak and I think he has finally found his stride on the health care reform. He has been on the defensive lately, but this is a good speech.
    Take care. Sending hugs from Portugal, Celeste

  6. Bobbie, I wish I could send you some of our cool weather. It might get down to freezing tonight here at 10,200ft. Will miss you. Have a good rest and feel better soon. Cool hugs from Utah.

  7. I hear you Bobbie..The sudden heat here has put me mostly inside and on the couch..I hope you feel better soon...see ya later...Michelle

  8. Take care, Bobbie and get some rest. It sure is hot and muggy over here, too.

  9. I understand... heat affects me as well. I can't function at all, my Epilepsy becomes a little more touchy and I know the triggers so I just sleep a lot.
    Be well, my friend, we will see you when the time is right.

    Big hugs and kisses to you♥

  10. Bobbie, Take care, I know what tou mewn about the heat. We hsve been getting a whole summer's worth of it thr past few days.Take your time and rest. This heat really drains one's wnwrgy.

  11. As one who has been sidelined recently with a very bad sciatica, I understand .. feel better soon!

  12. Is it not enough
    to behold the sunflowers
    blooming in August?

    My Mellow Yellow

  13. bobbie, I totally understand. Heat and humidity always does me in. Especially humidity. I hope you get some relief soon!
