Saturday, September 12, 2009

Remembering 9-11

I have just read a post by CR at The Little Bang Theory. It moved me so much that I would like to share it with others. He has managed to express my feelings far better than I have been able to do so myself.


  1. Bobbie, you always take me to wonderful places of kindred spirits. I spent some time visiting him now. Somethings I still don't know how to do like become a follower of yours so you show up when I click on my blog so I have to click on you as a follower of mine or find you on my bookmarks.

  2. Thank you for your visit to my blogs and for the comments you left me there.

  3. Off to read the post now. Thanks for sharing the link Bobbie :)

  4. Bobbie, so good of you to link to my blog; thanks.

    I used to do a lot more writing about socio-political things, but somehow it seems the words have dried up and I've lost my ability to express myself.

    Perhaps this piece about 9/11 will rekindle my brain in some way which enables writing again; time will tell, non?

    Again, Thank You, My Dear Woman.

    - Ralph

  5. Very moving! I think you speak for all the people who just desperately witnessed this scene of horror on TV and were thinking of how some people can be even capable of causing such a harm to their neighbours. Shame on those! And honour to those who lost their lives as victims to this cruelty. Lorne

  6. Thank you for yopur comment on my 9-11 post, Bobbie. As a new Yorker the date feels raw and sorrowful and always will.
