Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jigsaw Puzzle

Just for fun. - Daryl was kind enough to send me to another jigsaw puzzle site: www.jigzone.com. It's as much fun as the yahoo games one, and has more puzzles to play with. You can also decide how many pieces you want to make of each puzzle, and even what shape you want them to be. (I made mine into bird shaped pieces.) You can also give them one of your own photos and have them make a puzzle of that.

Here's another of their butterfly puzzles. They have all kinds of course.

I put one on my sidebar. Just click on the one on the sidebar, and it will take you to that puzzle site with not too many pieces, if you want to try it.

My daughter and I love these things. I do them every day.


  1. Hi Bobbie, Hope things are good with you. I will check out the jigsaw site. The yellow flowers below are very pretty. Your rain is here, too.

  2. Thanks Bobbie..I am not good as these things but I will give it a whirl... Michelle

  3. I used to do crosswords during world war two when I was in our grocery store waiting for the mail man to bring the mail. The card table and puzzle was worked on by all the people who came in to get their mail.

  4. I'd like to try these. There are two ladies at work who do puzzles during their break. They've been doing it for years. They've done a lot of beautiful puzzles. Many of them are challenging but fun to do.


  5. At one point I uploaded some of my photos to be used as puzzles, I need to go remember what I log in as, I can send you the link to the pix I have there if you would like, assuming I remember my log in and that they are still there ..

  6. That was fun. I loved your bird shapes. I did the one on your sidebar. I tried to get on to the yahoo site the other day but they wanted me to do an add-on or something and my computer is slow enough now and is always complaining about memory.
