Friday, November 13, 2009

National Ocean Policy

I received the following in an email yesterday. I would like to add it to my Think Green Thursday post. If you are interested in helping to restore health to our oceans, please click on the link and send a letter to the President, supporting his efforts. Thank you.

Please send a letter to the President today and express your support for a national ocean policy that will improve the health of the oceans.

We need your help today to make sure the final policy offers the strongest ocean protection possible!

President Obama recognizes that protecting our oceans must be a top priority. He created a task force to develop a national policy that will better protect living ocean resources.

I testified before the task force as part of the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative, and many of the priorities I identified are reflected in these new recommendations. I urged the panel to support a comprehensive plan as the best way to overcome the enormous challenges facing our oceans and Great Lakes: pollution, habitat loss, overfishing and climate change.

Our new report, Turning the Tide: The State of Seafood, recognizes that the challenges facing the oceans are great but—with determination, thoughtful policy and meaningful legislation—we can turn the tide and restore the health of the oceans.

Please join me and write the President today. Our online tool makes it quick and easy for you to send your letter.

Thank you.

Julie Packard
Julie Packard
Executive Director
Monterey Bay Aquarium


  1. Thanks for the info, Bobbie, I'll go there now!

    Enjoy your day!


  2. Coming from Hawaii, I would expect President Obama to hold the oceans in priority.

  3. We've just got new marine protection laws in the UK. It is as you say vital to protect the oceans

  4. thanks Bobbie! You made it so easy for me.
    : )

  5. Great info and I went send a letter..

  6. done, The president seems to be quite happy to allow the Coast Guard to decide Ballast water regulations despite, their purposed regulations doing little more than reflecting the wishes of the IMO. (a organization of primarily foreign sea captains foreign shipping companies, and foreign countries. This is not a democrat, republican thing but, a oil transportation and consumer goods transportation issue vs. human health an American independence, but unfortunately the money lobby can remain silently hidden as they are on the same page.
