Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Old Comments

Here's one that's new to me.

Just now I went to my dashboard to see if there were any comments to be moderated. There were three. The odd thing is that all of them were on Sky Watch posts. I haven't done the Sky Watch meme for a while now. One of them was for Sky Watch #57 and told me "what a difference a few hours can make". The other two were for #74 and both told me about the wonderful colors in the photos. Well - thank you Sally, Daryl and Dianne, but I have no idea what dates those comments addressed, or why they are showing up now.

I didn't usually number my Sky Watch posts, so have no idea when they were done. I tried going to the Sky Watch site itself to find out what the current number might be. But the site came up on my computer as a jumbled mess. And there was no number for the current post.

Is this a problem with Sky Watch, with Blogger, or just some kind of fluke?

How annoying. I can't get rid of them. I've tried checking "publish" and "reject" both, and Blogger tells me that no comment was selected.


  1. not ur fault- it's the computer playing games, since it has nothing better to do! just ignore!

  2. I think it may just be a weird Blogger thing.

  3. You might try checking your settings for your blog. Look under the settings tab then in comments. There is an option to moderate comments older than X number of days. It's useful if you want to know when someone comments on an older post that you may no longer be checking.

    My problem with it is that it doesn't tell me which post the comment belongs to.

  4. Occasionally I get those .. to get them gone from the dashboard you need to click the link to the comment and then the publish or reject .. once Blogger told me I had 42 comments awaiting moderation and I didnt have comment moderation on!

  5. I did that, Daryl, but they won't go away.

  6. Never had that happen..but very odd indeed.

  7. I don't use blogger anymore so I can't help..but that is strange.. how would that happen I wonder...Michelle
