Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thinking Green Thursday

Michelle is hosting Thinking Green Thursday for us once again.

I would like to urge everyone to participate in EARTH HOUR on Saturday, March 27th at 8:30 PM.

This site will tell you all about it, if you haven't heard. It will be celebrated all over the world. You can also learn about so many well known sites who have participated in the past, and will again this year. Even if your town or state does not participate, YOU can do it yourself. Turn out those lights and turn off your TV and computer for just one hour THIS SATURDAY at 8:30 PM to call attention to a real concern.

About Earth Hour

"On Earth Hour hundreds of millions of people around the world will come together to call for action on climate change by doing something quite simple—turning off their lights for one hour. The movement symbolizes that by working together, each of us can make a positive impact in this fight, protecting our future and that of future generations. Learn more about how Earth Hour began, what we’ve accomplished, and what is in store for 2010."


  1. I just set myself a reminder to do this .. thanks!

  2. I did this last year and my son and neighbors behaved as though I had lost my mind
    they truly can't function without TV or music or whatever for an hour

    congrats on the new camera, the shots below look great

  3. Thanks for the heads up on this. Our family would love to participate!

  4. This is a funny one ;) My sister and I are going to our cabin that is off the grid! Guess we won't have to work too hard at being "green".
    Great to hear from you it that you had your own little garden when you were a kid - I'm curious - were you self taught or did you have someone who was your gardening mentor?
