Thursday, May 6, 2010


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  1. I disagree ... not with the thought behind this but that accidents happen even then the odds are in their favor .. you know that if you cross the street w/o looking both way you can get hit by a car but many still do .. if one gets hit by a car crossing w/o looking, its still considered an accident even if the odds were high it would happen......

  2. We'll have to agree to disagree. Yes, accidents DO happen. But if you are reasonably sure they will happen, and still make the decision to do it, I feel it is then not really an accident - even if the law calls it that.

  3. I agree Bobbie
    the reason so many people are against off shore drilling is because something like this is "likely" to happen

    to make it even worse they do not have sure fire ways in place to contain it

    unlike a car accident as Daryl described where there are ERs and paramedics BP and the rest of the oil industry is clearly at a loss as to what to do

    this is a gigantic horrid explanation of how corporations do not care about the earth or for that matter about people

    and until we all demand alternative energy and until we all agree to cut back with our energy sucking ways this will continue to happen

  4. I agree with you, Bobbie. I think we need to do away with all offshore drilling.

  5. I like your presentation of lately happenings.
    I think, there is someone up there who takes care of everything and we, humans can just talk about changing something.

  6. No doubt this was an "accident" but what seems very telling to me is that BP knows this disaster is a possibility yet they are willing to take this risk. & like Dianne said, without even knowing how to remedy a disaster once it occurs.
    So who is most affected by this? If our oceans are kept clean we all might as well kiss our sorry butts goodbye.

  7. PS

    Bobbie, this really is a very thought provoking cartoon.

  8. This was going to happen at some time because there weren't any proper precautions taken...They are criminals and should be held accountable for the deaths they caused...but they never will damn it.. Michelle

  9. Great Cartoon Bobbie..I agree with Michelle ..they should be held accountable!
