Friday, June 11, 2010

BP Bailout?

Can it be true that Republican leader, John Boehner is really suggesting that U.S. taxpayers help bailout BP Oil, to pay for the clean-up? That is what I am told.

If this is true, it is about the most outrageous thing I have ever heard. I understand that a petition is circulating on Face Book and Twitter, against such an idea. Who can tell me if this is true? To me, it is simply beyond belief.

I have not found anything about it on Fact Check or PolitiFact.


  1. It is denied here, Bobbie....

    but I'm sure we will hear more about it.

  2. BP pays vast amounts of taxes in the US - perhaps it would be their own money that would aid the clean-up ...... also, from the outset BP has said it will foot all the bills for the clean up - although Obama tries to say otherwise.

  3. I wouldn't doubt it. There is a lot of political money coming into the pockets of politicians from the oil industry. Cheney was a secret deal type. Obama hasn't been able to change much of this. It's a well-sestablished welfare system for the corporations. We got stuck with paying the bank bailout and we will get stuck with paying for this as well. Watch.

  4. I googled 'BP bailout' and got such a headache

    it's all conjecture right now but many many experts feel that the UK will pressure Obama to help bail out BP
    apparently 1 of every 6 pounds in UK dividends comes out of BP so the Brits say the BP is too big to fail
    sound familar?

    I am so sick and tired of all this!!

  5. Seems to me that during our recession, oil companies have had record breaking profits. Remember when the price of gas kept going up and how that affected EVERYTHING else going up in price? & then when the gas finally started to go down, all the other prices stayed high! Meanwhile people were losing their jobs left & right (& that hasn't exactly leveled out) with less money to pay for these higher prices.
    So I say if BP is in danger of going under, let all the oil companies chip in to give them a hand. God knows they have plenty of money to help them out.

  6. BP is doing their best to get this broken wellhead capped and work on the cleanup. It was a tragic, tragic accident. People died. An accident. Their CEO said they will pay and I believe they will. This was not a deliberate deal. An Accident: unexpected and undesirable event. It seems that our society is so quick to jump on the blame-game band wagon.

    As far as Bohner...I doubt it.If true, I must say I am sick of our government acting like the wetnurse to all us "dumb and unfortunate idiot babies" who can't think for ourselves and need them to take care of us. Oops, different subject!

  7. I hadn't heard that and it would be a supremely stupid statement to make...

  8. Hi, Bobbie! Just needed to leave a "thinking of you, wish you all the best" on your surgery! I trust your daughters will continue to post updatea when able. You are part of my daily routine and I miss your comments, but want you to know I will think of you daily and often! Use your energy for your recovery and rest assured you have touched the lives of many of your unseen friends around the blog world! Thanks! My best to you!
