Saturday, October 11, 2008

Camera Critters #27

Hello again.

This week I have chosen a photo I took about three years ago down at South Cape Meadows. This pair were just taking off from the water and I was lucky enough to capture them before they disappeared into the wide blue yonder. (Is it "wide" or "wild"? I can never remember the words of the song.)

I hope you enjoy the picture.

We can thank Misty for hosting Camera Critters each week. Thank you, Misty.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty .. thanks for sharing.

Sylvia K said...

Great photo! Always lifts my spirits to see your photos! Thanks!

Rose said...

I do like this picture...I just always wish I could hitch a ride on the back of one of these geese and see the sights they see.

Dianne said...

I love birds in flight photos.

I thought it was wide but now I'm not sure lol

ratmammy said...

that's a great shot of those birds!

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Oh Cool! I enjoyed it very much. Don't you love their sounds when they take off and land? Lisa

Christy said...

Great shot. I always thought it was 'wild' but then again I could be wrong.

AppleDebbie said...

Bobbie, what a terrific action shot. This photo would make a beautiful postcard... I love it!

P.S. I think it's WILD blue yonder. :)

Kelly said...

Wow Bobbie! What a great photo! That's wonderful that you were able to catch them taking off like that! Wonderful post!

me ann my camera said...

This is beautiful and the sort of 'wild' photo I enjoy so much. Your camera has caught the ducks in focus just as they are taking off; this making them the center of their universe :-).

me ann my camera said...

Wikipedia says the words, 'wild blue yonder', are part of the words in the official song of the U.S. Air Force. You can check it out here:

Anonymous said...

great picture, I love how you were able to capture the geese mid-flight

Anonymous said...

I always wondered why it was a wild blue yonder. I didn't think our blue yonder was wild.. maybe mysterious.. not wild.

This is a great capture. Good timing.

My Camera Critter is here

Jeanne said...

Love the picture. One of my photographic 'goals' is to capture some geese in flight this fall. 'fingers crossed' I could possibly do as well as you did.

storyteller said...

What a marvelous capture you’ve shared today! I’m pretty sure it’s ‘WILD’ blue yonder. Mine’s up at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,

Carletta said...

Hi Bobbie,
This is a great capture of the geese in flight. I love the grasses in the foreground.

'off we go into the wild blue yonder, climbing high into the sun'

Anonymous said...

Ducks are the most incredibly fast movers in the air. I love watching them.

Misty DawnS said...

I think it's "wild" blue yonder - but that's besides the point - this is a great photo! Excellent capture.

Anonymous said...

Very nice capture! :) Mine is posted HERE. hope you can drop by! Happy CC!~

kenju said...

The United States Air Force Song:

Off we go into the wild blue yonder,
Climbing high into the sun.
Here they come, zooming to meet our thunder;
At 'em boys, give 'er the gun!
Down we dive, spouting our flame from under,
Off with one hell-of-a-roar!
We live in fame or go down in flame.

Coy Hill said...

Beautiful shot Bobbie! Nothing says autumn better than geese flying over brown marsh grass.

KG said...

That really is pretty. Just what I needed tonight - I'm more than halfway crazed from living in this house with my parents and I needed a moment of tranquility. Thank you!

Mimi Lenox said...

Great shot!

Your peace globe has been placed in The Peace Globe Gallery.
You are officially peace globe #1110.
BlogBlast For Peace ~ November 6, 2008 is going to be awesome! See you there.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Bobbie: Wonderful goose capture on a neat pond, you did really well.

EG CameraGirl said...

Nice photo of geese taking off!

Anonymous said...

Great get! And I'll confirm what's been said: it's "wild blue yonder" :-)

Gretchen said...

Beautiful photo of the birds. :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

What a marveloous catch. Well done.

♥ mommy author ♥ said...

canada geese?

mine is here!

i beati said...

freedom and the fall sandy

magiceye said...

well captured!!