I am very happy to report that both my friend and neighbor, Lisa, and I have had lots of hummer sightings yesterday and today. they are really here at last, and are establishing nests. Of course they keep both of us busy, attempting to get photos of the speedy little critters. Lisa has had better success at this. She is younger and quicker, and also has a great camera now that allows her to take pictures from a greater distance than mine does. I get older and slower every day, and am often shaky when I try to focus on them. I know - excuses, excuses!

I was given a really beautiful new feeder at Christmas, which I hung outside my front door, where I am able to get some decent pictures once in a while. The only problem is, it is made of glass. At least I think that is the problem. I'm wondering if they sometimes see themselves reflected and think it's another bird. Or perhaps it's the sun reflecting too sharply when it sways in the breeze. Whatever the reason, I do believe the hummers prefer the old fashioned, flat, red plastic feeders. Maybe it

's the color? The level of the nectar has certainly gone down faster in the plastic one. I've hung both, and they seem to be gravitating to the little plastic ones. Others have told me they have had the same experience. So this morning I switched to a plastic one outside my door, and the glass one hung from a shepherd's crook down below the steps. The result so far has been several birds coming to the red plastic one.
Of course I now have to be extra

vigilant about this one. But in past years, although he and his friends have been up on the step railing making a try for it, none have been successful in their pursuit of the hummers. These birds are just too quick and agile.
And I keep as close a watch as possible when the feeders are up. Going to have to get myself a water pistol. That seems to be the best deterrent for the likes of him. If only our neighbors had sense enough to keep indoor cats!
When my daughter read the above, she commented, "I never hard of plastic being called 'old fashioned' as opposed to glass." She's right of course. I guess the plastic feeders are just 'old fashioned' to me, compared to the new one.
I'm certainly no expert, but it seems I remember somebody telling me that red was the color for attracting hummingbirds. I might be wrong about that, but your data seems to support the theory.
I am loving this .. I am so far behind I dont know if I can ever catch up ...
I got such a smile out of the whole plastic/glass thing! And that's a lovely feeder. Time to put mine out in a bit here too, today was the first really warm day.
Such great photos and you do have me smiling!
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