Monday, August 31, 2009

How Was Your Weekend?

We were disappointed this weekend. There was to be a Native American Pow Wow to take place over at the airport. It was cancelled due to a lack of funds. No notice was even given in our local papers until a week before. Well, I guess it was just as well, given the fact that it would have been rained out anyway, at least in the morning. But we were really looking forward to it.

I was personally disappointed because my doctor finally admitted defeat and told me the Rx Insurance Company is definitely NOT going to grant the "exception" for my (or any other patient's) receiving the medication that he says we need. One more victory for the insurance industry over common sense.


Lots of tourists here were disappointed in the weather on the final weekend of August. Thunder storms and flooding were the general rule at the beginng. Did turn nice later for those who stuck it out.

At least some of the heat left us for a while.

Lots of changes starting on TV scheduling. It really messes up DVR recordings. I wonder if we can hope for better programming come fall?
(I can dream, can't I?)


Had a couple of big, fat crickets in the house in the past two days. I had some tiny ones earlier. I guess these must have been Mama and Papa. I capture them under a paper cup, and return them to the great outdoors.

If you happen to be talking to Lisa, the Villas Girl, you might want to ask her if she's seen Garfield the cat lately.

Obviously, the Garfield photo is not mine, but from the Garfield site.



Daryl said...

Our DVR seems to 'get' the changes and automatically adapts said...

I have lots of crickets in our basement and I do the exact same thing. Only now when I open the side door sometimes two or three are sitting there like they are waiting for an invitation to come in. It's creepy.

Kay said...

Sorry your weekend didn't quite pan out as you'd hoped, Bobbie. I'm hoping the rest of your week will be better.

Rambling Woods said...

My neurologist wanted to put me on a medication but my insurance won't approve it even after appeal. Really makes me angry that they get to decide my medical care and I guess your care too.. Michelle