Saturday, January 23, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

Shadow Shot Sunday is brought to us by Tracy, of Hey Harriet every week - on Sundays in Australia, and Saturdays in the United States.

My daughter, Kathryn, recently spent a week at Esalen Institute up in Big Sur country in California. She took many really beautiful pictures. Among them were these two, which she offered to me for Shadow Shots.


robin. said...

love the first shot with the water in the background...looks like you have another shadow shot pro in the family. awesome!!

Coffeedoff said...

Great shadows!

Sylvia K said...

Ooooh! Great shadow shots, Bobbie! The first one has a soft, misty feel to it with the water in the background and the second one is so sharp and clear! Marvelous! Have a great weekend! Stay warm!


Ralph said...

These wonderful shadows show us two sides: the rock outcropping into the water is massive, the wrought iron detailing on the guardrail fence intricate yet delicate. The artistry, whether man-made or natural allow us to notice the artistry. Excellent!

Jen said...

Very cool shadow picture.
I can't tell if that is part of the fence or a plant growing next to it.
Happy SSS to you.

Cassie said...

Very delicate. Nice.

Sam said...

Big Sur!! How wonderful! It's always been a dream of mine to drive along the coast there! Wonderful shots - especially the one with the big cliff and sea in the back ground!

Hot Fudge said...

Your daughter certainly has the artist's eye. I particularly like the second shot - fascinating looking grass.

Chubskulit Rose said...

I so love the last shot.

My shadow shots

Serendipity said...

I really like that second shot :)

Anonymous said...

A very lovely shots, indeed. Seems they have a wonderful day overthere.

Have a great Sunday.


Unknown said...

Tell Kitty "well done"! These are neat shots.

A good upcoming week to you, Bobbie

Anonymous said...

I really like these shadows, Bobbie! Your daughter took great photos.

Hey Harriet said...

I can't tell if that is unusual looking grass or part of the pattern on the fence. Very mysterious! Whatever it is, I like it! Yay for Kathryn!

A Wild Thing said...

Just look at that cliff-side, what a beautiful California vision...lucky girl!

Anonymous said...

Those are really interesting shadows Bobbie...Michelle

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely photos - I loved Big Sur when I visited, many years ago now...

Anonymous said...

Very nice! So glad your daughter shared her photos with us.


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Spidery shadows
creeping, crawling ’cross the walk—
I shall run from you!

Footprints in the Mud