Saturday, January 30, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

Thanks to Tracy for hosting Shadow Shots Sunday for us each week.

A couple of weeks ago I saw a beautiful sunset from my back deck. The birds sitting on the wires seemed to be enjoying it, but I was disappointed that all of those wires got in the way.

As I turned back into the kitchen, I caught sight of the reflection of the sunset in the glass of the door. Lovely shadows and light. No wires that you could notice.

I even enjoyed the sight of the sunset filtered through the curtain.

Winter sunsets can be very nice. But oh, how I long for spring at this point. According to Michelle, at Rambling Woods, it is just one month, two weeks and four days away!


Maia T said...

Beautiful sunset photo and you have to thank for it to the reflection.
I love those bare branch silhouettes in backlight.

robin. said...

can we hold you to that one month thing????? the sunset in the window is my favorite...

Ralph said...

The wires add a focal point to the view, drawing our eyes up and beyond the wires to the lovely cloudy formation. Lovely reflection, and the shadow feels warm even with the faint sunglow. Lovely winter pictures!

Sylvia K said...

What beautiful captures, Bobbie! Love seeing the sunset through the curtains and in the reflections! Like you I'd rather be enjoying warm, spring/summer sunsets, but guess we have to take what we get!


Anonymous said...

I am a sunset lover specially with the reflections on the water? Ahhh... can die for.

You really catched the best photo of sunset.

Yes, so nice with winter sunset. In Sweden you can see the midnight sun? That's one to dream of to experience to see. Magical feelings.

Have a great SSS.

EJ said...

Beautiful shadow shots.

Family Bonding Shadows

B i r g i t t a said...

You did catch the moment :)

Cassie said...

Good shadow shots. Interesting how you got another chance at the shot on the glass.

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

When you put it that way, it doesn't seem so bad - ha!
Love the sunset pictures....very observant seeint that shadow in the door....facinating that you no longer see the lines!
Have a great week!

Dianne said...

what a great reflection you captured!

A Wild Thing said...

That is way too long for me too, why can't it be tomorrow...why do we torture ourselves like this every year, we know we'll have 6 months of cold anyway you look at it...argh

Rosebud Collection said...

A lot of thought went into your shots. Beautiful. I get annoyed when the wires get in the way also..
Happy SSS.

Beverley Baird said...

What a great series of shots! And they all capture the beauty of the sky!

Rajesh said...

Spectacular shots, the sunset shot is very beautiful.

Sam said...

So pretty and delicate - I can't imagine what it's like to be cold at the moment - Sydney is very hot and muggy today!

Hey Harriet said...

These are great. And spring is just around the corner. Yay!

Pesky wires are a pet peeve of mine also. They are always getting in the way of my shots :)

maryt/theteach said...

bobbie, it's not far away, Spring that is. I have a countdown on my blog. Pretty sunset! :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos - I agree with you about power lines getting in the way.

Anonymous said...

Yep, spring is coming! Neat shadows,

Rambling Woods said...

Nice job Bobbie..yes I am waiting for spring...Michelle

Unknown said...

Nice shadows and sunset too! We just have to look past the wires. :) I've marked my calendar and am counting down to spring!

storyteller said...

Beautiful sunset view and creative shadow shots ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Sacred Ruminations