Monday, March 1, 2010

Nineteen Days!

Do you see how desperate I am for Spring? It's still nineteen days away, and what am I doing? I'm taking pictures like this one.

But those shoots ARE green! They really are! Crocuses are just the best! They bring us hope every year. I do remember having crocuses blooming on Valentine's Day in the past. Nothing like that happened this year. But here they are at last! And I have some daffodil bulbs sprouting too. And the tulip bulbs that I got for Christmas.

It's coming!

4 comments: said...

they bring me hope too Bobbie! I went outside this morning and I was so happy to see most of the snow gone & the ground soft. It'll all be over before you know it!
: )

Kathie Brown said...

Bobbie, what fun! I do agree they are always a hopeful sing at the end of winter! Wish I could send you some of my warmth and sunshine! I already have flowers blooming in my yard!

Daryl said...

While I love seeing bulbs sprouting, I am also very sure that true spring weather a lot further away than the calendar says ..

Rambling Woods said...

That really gives me hope too...