Sunday, June 1, 2008


We have a very dear blog friend named Caroline. She has been delighting us for quite a while
now in her gentle way, with weekly posts containing her beautifully detailed drawings, teaching us about other cultures, as well as our own. Deceptively simple little tales accompanied by few words. If you have not yet discovered her, you really should seek out her blog and explore current and past posts.

Caroline has announced that she will be excluding the internet from her house, at least for a while. That should be quite an experience for her. I know of people who make the decision to exclude TV. That makes sense to me. It's difficult for me to imagine excluding the internet. I have to think about that. I guess it makes sense. We have so quickly become almost enslaved by its presence, haven't we? In any case, that has been her decision. She now has a very demanding teaching job - lucky students! - but says she will continue weekly posts. I am looking forward to them. I do enjoy her blog so much. To steal her own words, I think she has had her "finger right on the pulse of the human experience." Even her profile has brought me pleasure, introducing me to new and wonderful people. Thank you, Caroline.


  1. Her drawings are wonderful, Bobbie~!

  2. Bobbie: our mutual friend singingbear has a post up today.

  3. Life without internet? *pauses and looks confused like a deer in the headlights*

    I hardly remember such a time - and I don't think I want to go back to it!

  4. I get too much out of and from the internet to exlude it entirely.

    I do think limiting time spent on any one thing is a good idea, balance is always the key.

  5. Thanks for the mention of Crayons; it is delightful and so much fun to view.

  6. Thanks for sharing her site.

  7. I love her blog, too, Bobbie. I fell behind this week, so hadn't been there yet. I'm glad she'll still be around, even if it's not as much. With this weather now, I'm finding it difficult to be on the internet. Nature is calling me and I want to be outdoors.

  8. Hi Bobbie,
    I'm just catching up with my favorite blogs, and yours is at the top of my list.

    I can relate to your "strange little post" from today, I think. Sometimes I feel out of step with the dance.

    You are so thoughtful to write this post about Crayons! I didn't see it until now. This experience of pulling intentionality into my blogging is very interesting. I'm at a cafe right now.

    The absence of the Internet has brought immediate peacefulness and focus to our house. I can have thought and feel no need to look up more information or jot an e-mail. We'll see how it goes.

    Thank you for being such a great bloggy neighbor.
