Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Visiting the Other Grand Parents

My grandson (and his parents) spent a few days in Massachusetts with his other grandparents. They are back home in California now. I'm really looking forward to my daughter's promised blog post soon. Meantime, she has already put up pictures on flickr, so I have a little preview. She's good about that.

It seems there is now a really nice children's museum in the town where they live, and Isaac obviously had a great time there. Looks as if his Dad enjoyed it too.

Meantime, back at Grandma and Grandpa's house, he had his share of fun there too.

He spent some time talking to Grandma. Looks like they had quite an animated conversation as a matter of fact.

He tried out the driver's seat on Grandpa's lawn tractor. That has been a favorite of his ever since he could sit up on it without falling off.

And after he helped Grandpa with the mulch, he earned
himself a ride in the wheelbarrow.

I guess they had a great little vacation.

I'm always happy when they enjoy their trips. But being Mom, and Grandmom, I'm always glad to hear they are safely home again.


  1. What fun! and what great pictures! I know you're glad that they are home safely, know the feeling! Thanks, Bobbie, for sharing the fun!

  2. I love those photos! Your grandson is adorable. I know how you feel, too. I'm always looking forward to seeing my daughter's photos on Flickr. It makes me feel like I'm keeping up with their lives.

  3. A wheelbarrow ride - I'm so jealous!!

  4. Oh what a good time he had .. and in turn you via the pix
