Friday, June 12, 2009

All For Good

Once again, the Huffington Post has given me something to think about. Today it told me about All For Good, which it describes as a sort of Craig's List for Service.
It's something brand new, and it will help YOU find a way to be of service to your community. Most of us are having some hard times just now. We can help one another.

Why not get in on the ground floor? This sounds really useful. At least check it out and see what it's all about. There is a blog. Go to:

I'm sure I'll have more to say about this later, but for now, take a look and see what you think.


  1. Off to check it out .. thanks, as always for finding & bringing these items to our attention!

  2. I just looked into this. It's fabulous! What a terrific idea. I'm going to check it out again later to see if there's something in my area that I can do.
