Friday, June 12, 2009

Thematic Photographic #53

The road is the theme of the week chosen by Carmi for Thematic Photographic.
There are so many photos in my folders that might fit this theme! I have printed two of them below.

No matter where I am heading, distant or fairly local, it always seems to give me a lift when I head north on the Parkway.

On the other hand, there are many times when I prefer "the road less traveled".


  1. Oh, great shots, Bobbie! Particularly love the last one! Would just love to be able to ride down through the trees!

    Have a lovely weekend.

  2. You are blessed to live in such a beautiful area... and to appreciate it enough to capture it.

    My Thematic, Photographic is up here if you'd like to stop by:

  3. I'm with you: Faced with a choice, I'll always pick the slower, quieter route.

    In fact, on a 120-mile drive to Toronto this weekend, we did just that - for the first 45 or so miles we stuck to a lovely regional road that meandered through farmland and small towns. It was the perfect antidote to the superhighway.
