Saturday, June 5, 2010

What Is So Rare....

" a day in June. Then, if ever, come perfect days."

Unless of course there is a horrible, destructive great cloud of oil moving through our waters - And a major heat wave making our lives miserable - And of course we mustn't forget the wars still being fought - somewhere - over there - for whatever insane reasons.

Could Mr. Lowell ever in his wildest imagination have conjured up June 2010 when he wrote about "...the high tide of the year - And whatever of life hath ebbed away comes flooding back..."?

Still - it is a beautiful poem. And it makes me recall a time when a June day made me feel that life was, indeed, perfect. Was I ever that young?


  1. Sigh..I know..I can't decide if the world is more challenged or I am older and more aware....damn BP...

  2. I hope it has gotten cooler by you tonight. It has here & it is such a relief!
    The oil spill has gotten me a bit down too. My wish is it becomes a wake-up call for everyone.

  3. Perhaps things are still perfect - somehow. Time will tell.

    May I apologise, on behalf of the British people, for the actions of the evil BP.
