Saturday, August 23, 2008

Camera Critters # 20

Swans are such beautiful birds. We have many on the lakes in Cape May Point, NJ. One day while visiting Lily Lake I saw at least two dozen on the water.

I took a few pictures, though I could never capture all of them at once.

On another day I saw five. This is unusual, since they are usually in pairs. Perhaps one had lost a mate. First I saw them swimming together. Later I spotted them at rest.

And I just have to add this one even though I've posted it before - on Mothers' Day I think.

Misty hosts Camera Critters each week allowing us to share our photos with one another. Please take time to stop by and enjoy some of the wonderful images we have to show you.


Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Hi! Swans are beautiful creatures. Everytime I go, I enjoy seeing them on the lakes. The babies are adorable. Lisa

Indrani said...

These shots are all so wonderful, I wish I could see them free like this.

Webradio said...

Hello !

Ils sont TRES jolis les cygnes...

ratmammy said...

I love swans too! great photos!

Anonymous said...

Swans really beautiful and graceful birds. You have some great shots here. I LOVE the babies!

My critter is here

storyteller said...

Ah … what a wonderful series of ‘swan’ photos … I enjoyed them all very much. I’ve shared my CC at Small Reflections today.
Hugs and blessings,

Carletta said...

These are really good. I especially like the third one and the one with babies!
Nice post.

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful shots of swans. I love that last picture resting. Thanks for the comment.

AppleDebbie said...

What a beautiful series of photos. I really love the mama swan and her babies!

bcmomtoo said...

There really are a lot of them! They're so pretty.

Mom Knows Everything said...

Those are beautiful! I love the babies!

Anonymous said...

Awww that last photo is soooo sweet :) Great shots!

Judy said...

Love these pictures. The swans look so graceful and the pictures are so serene looking. I like just staring at the pictures!

me ann my camera said...

These are beautiful birds. I find it hard to realize that in some ares this beautiful creatures are plentiful. They are not native in my region so I am amazed each time someone posts a grouping of them. Lucky you, I might even trade my Monarch Cocoon for a Swan sighting :-)

Daryl said...

Great shots .. that is odd about the uneven # .. swans mate for life so you could be right that one lost its mate ..


Anonymous said...

Very beautiful pictures of the swans! They are such graceful creatures.

Rambling Woods said...

Love the swans..There aren't any around here that I know of...

Kelly said...


The swans are just gorgeous! They are so graceful and serene! They give me such a peaceful feeling just looking at them. You have so many of them, I can't get over it!

Also, isn't it funny about men and their showing affection to animals. I loved your comment about your son-in-law and men in general and how they hate to let anyone see them showing love or affection or any kind of emotions for animals(in our case cats)! Men are a funny breed in themselves!!! (lol)...

Have a great rest of the weekend!! Beautiful photos and post as usual!!!!

Kelly said...

Me again, :) sorry, referred to your son as your mistake....sorry!!

Carole said...

Oh, these are so pretty!

kenju said...

I could watch swans all day long! They are so serene and graceful. In Maui, I saw black swans in a lagoon. They are wonderful, too.

Anonymous said...

What a nice place to go for a walk or hang out! For me, two of the two most calming things on the planet are looking at swans on the water and images of Buddha.

i beati said...

Look at the baies I have wonderful memories of this area sandy

Michele said...

Hi Bobbie.
Such elegant and graceful birds and you have taken such amazing photographs. It's not something I see too often here in the mountains. Sometimes I will see the odd one float down from the sky and land on the lakes but I have to be quick as they don't stay long...

Thank you for your kind comment on my blog... I can't tell you how much I really appreciated. It really made my day.
Mountain Retreat

KG said...

Aww ... I especially love that mommy photo at the end. What is it about white birds that makes them so appealing? Egrets or anything else large and white just seems particularly beautiful.

Anyway, great photos!

Anonymous said...

Swans were the first birds I got close to. Wonderfu aren't they. Great pics.

Shoshana said...

Wow! These are beautiful!

Dick said...

I've never seen so many Swans together, nice pictures.

Webradio said...

Hello !

Jolis oiseaux...

Norm said...

wow! beautiful swans, I love the views very peaceful and clean..

Forgetfulone said...

They are so peaceful. I like the second picture best. Would make a great screensaver. Thanks for visiting me.

Misty DawnS said...

I love swans! They are so beautiful, graceful, and majestic!

pink dogwood said...

just love your pictures :)

Gretchen said...

Beautiful birds!

Dianne said...

they look so graceful, even at rest

love Mama swan and the swanettes :)

Shelly said...

I've been crazy for swans ever since I was a little posted some really great shots.

Amila Salgado said...

We have no Swans in this country but they have been mentioned in early literature.

That mother looks very busy.

Bear Naked said...

I love swans because they bring back many happy childhood memories for me.
Every summer when I was young I visited my grandmother for a month.
The park that was near her house had many swans and every day we would walk over together and feed them.

Please come and visit my blog on Monday because I have something special for you.
I also posted a linky to your blog on mine.

Bear((( )))

Cathy said...

Look at the babies.. how sweet. Great pics

Flying Solo said...

Sweet and cute :)