Monday, September 21, 2009

My Friend Caroline

Are you familiar with Caroline's Crayons? If not, follow this link. You're in for a treat. She has absolutely outdone herself today! She has taken her pencil and crayons to the Milwaukee Art Museum.

Apparently her comment section isn't working today, and I just had to tell her how much I enjoyed this, so I hope she reads my blog today.


me ann my camera said...

B obbie, Cariline's crayons is magnificent and indpiring. it makes me want to get out my crayons and experiment a bit. Thanks for the reference and your mention of it. Its bookmarked!

Rambling Woods said...

Hi Bobbie..I went to check out the blog and left a comment on another post. Amazing.....thanks for pointing this out... Michelle

Dianne said...

I bookmarked her too!
she's fabulous
so talented

The Cunning Runt said...

You're right, she's fabulous!

I love to see talent like this. Thanks! :)