Friday, June 5, 2009

Were We Listening?

Today's Huffington Post asks this question. It goes on to make some excellent points. Our President was speaking to the Arab world. How closely were the American people listening? We would like to ask a great deal of Islam. How ready are we to open our minds, and recognize their needs too? Can we bring ourselves to appreciate, as Mr. Obama obviously does, just what the true teachings of Islam are, rather than what so many of us have come to think is true after observing the actions of the radical fringe? Terrorists do not represent those teachings. They have developed in their own minds, something quite foreign to the teachings of the Koran. Mr. Obama quoted the Koran in his speech, "Whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind."

To my way of thinking, that quote and its obvious difference to what the radical terrorist believes is all too similar to the anti-abortionist terrorist in our country who blinds himself to the fact that killing those who work in abortion clinics is just as evil as he considers those he has killed to be.

Mr. Obama also pointed out that our country was NOT founded on Christianity. It was founded on freedom of all people to practice all faiths. - "Out of many, one" - Christians are supposed to believe they should "Do unto others..." We find this teaching in the Bible and in the Talmud as well.

Can the vast majority of the American people manage to put aside their prejudices built on misconception of the Arab world? And, indeed, can the Arab people put aside the same sort of prejudices and misconceptions of us? I believe that our President is doing his darndest to bring this about. I pray that both the West and the Arab World are listening.

Meantime, the toll of lives in Iraq and Afghanistan, and so many other places continues to climb. Please consider joining the Blog Blast for Peace.


  1. Excellent post, Bobbie, and I pray that we can.

  2. Oh, yes! Bobbie, an excellent post indeed! And you certainly have expressed everything that I feel and believe and, of course, I have joined Blog Blast for Peace. Thank you for saying it all so well!

  3. He certainly is doing his best in this area, and I do hope people listen

  4. Well thought out and important post Bobbie..I hope we can work together..Our survival depends on it...
    Michelle From Rambling Woods

  5. I was listening. And I never felt more proud to be an American than when I heard those honest words from our President.

  6. Believe me Bobbie, once in my life, the non-Muslims (Christians) and the Muslims (Arabic faith) in the southern part of my country used to live peacefully side by side in harmony. Later on, later on when some new military influence with different mentality or prejudicial minds started mistreating the Muslims, the trouble in that area begun.

    What happened, they were under instruction from the Marcus regime to cause trouble so that he could use it as an excuse to declare Martial Law. How innocent the people at that time were?

    It's Politics in the making.... So yes, I agree with you... well... if the people's mandate have a way, don't you think they won't love living in a harmonious environment? There is two way traffic in the cause and effect why christians and arabs are in each other's throat.

    Politics and Media. Media and Politics.

    If we come to think about it, Arab and non Arab all but came from one Father. His name is Abraham in the Old Testament and God appointed him as the Father of Nations.

    Think about that.

  7. At least when he speaks people listen .. lets hope they heard what they were listening to and that it gives them cause to think ... discuss .. resolve.

    One small step at a time.

  8. This is a beautifully written, important post. I hope everybody will read it and spread it's content.
