Camera Critters time again, thanks to Misty Dawn.

I know that many of you love your cats very much. I do not have a cat. I have had them in the past, or rather, my children have had them. I am a dog person myself.I really prefer this kind of cat.
But thanks to neighbors, there are always cats around my house. For instance....
This one doesn't bother me much, and is the prettiest one of the bunch.

I say "bunch" because my next door neighbor has five, and most of them are allowed to roam the neighborhood. They only go home to eat.
This one spends most of his time on my porch. When he's on the railing, I don't mind. I hate it when he lies just outside of my door for me to trip over him.

This is the really mean one. His name is Buddy. He challenges other cats and gets into fights.

I couldn't find the picture I took of the white one, who lies directly under my hummingbird feeder every chance he gets. Here's another, not from next door. My daughter took this one. It's possible that I printed this near Halloween?

Those that live next door spend most of their time digging up my garden, tracking muddy paw prints all over my car, killing birds in my yard, or howling under my windows. As I said, I'm a dog person.
I really don't mind cats, and I think they are beautiful animals, so graceful. And of course kittens are adorable. But I do not understand why, if you have a pet, you wouldn't want to keep it at home, safe and protected, unless you happen to live on a farm and let them roam the acreage. When we had cats, they were always indoor cats.
Hello! I can't believe how much the orange one looks like Ralphy. Must be siblings.
Buddy has gotten to be the bully of the neighborhood, but I think there are a few around that give him a run for his money. Lisa
A large town near where I live has a cat bylaw. Owners must keep their cats indoors.
But I live in the country where felines are allowed to roam. I'm OK with that as I enjoy their company. ;-)
Those are beautiful captures:) Happy CC!
I had a cat like the orange one. She was an inside cat. I agree with you, if you have an animal you need to keep it in your own yard so way. Thanks for sharing. Take Care!!
We always had cats and one was like a member of the family. When anyone called home they always asked about him too. Today our extended family includes people with cat allegies and so after our last two pets passed on we did not get any more. Though, like you we have two that visit each day being worried about our birds. But they are not very good hunters so now we just admire them and let them be.
I love your sock kitty cat!
Wow you have a good collection of cat shots, even though you don't have them as pets.
Beautiful shots, with this cat...
The orange one looks like a mini-cougar :)
They are all lovely!
Yes, responsible pet owners should keep their pets safe.
I so agree with you. The way I look at it, there are no bad cats or dogs. Just bad owners.
Wow! that's too many cats around your neighborhood. Great shots.
Wow!! I'm so thrilled that you did a post about cats! I know that you are a dog lover, but this is a wonderful tribute for the "cat" lovers of the world!
There are sure a lot of wonderful and very cute cats around you! You're a Great Sport!!
We don't have farm cats these days, and I sure don't miss those muddy paw prints on my car...the down-side is I don't have felines to blame for a filthy vehicle ;)
I agree with twobarkingdogs--no bad cats or dogs, just bad owners. The major excuse I hear for letting house cats roam is that "it's natural for cats". Well, if we extend that excuse a bit, I could say that there are wolves running wild in Arizona, and since dogs are related to wolves, it's natural for dogs, too!
Uncontrolled pets are a menace.
It looks like one of them has adopted you. I love cats too (I don't have a cat, but I used to), but not when they stalk the birds or p--p in my garden. And in the country sometimes they become wild.
I love cats sooooooo much. My cat adopted me... it found me and would not leave my side... we are the bestest friends in the whole wide world! =)
Mountain Retreat- Canada
We used to have a cat who insisted on going outside every chance he got. We gave up fighting with him and just let him go. He hung around at all the different neighbors' houses.
I like the one on the porch railing, and the one in the orange flowers. They really are pretty, even if they're a nuisance.
Of course where I am we have manx cats, no tail cats roaming around. is is feline heaven. I see you have linky trouble too like me.
The black cat by the orange flowers is just beautiful contrast! Nice photos. I love cats, I wish I had one but the husband is allergic. And, I agree, I'd keep mine home and safe.
We've named all the neighborhood cats we find roaming. There's Friendly and Friendly 2. :o)
The cats are all gorgeous! I consider myself a dog person, as well, it's all I grew up with. But living alone and in an apartment I eventually made the move to cats. And, I know everyone says it, but my cats are very dog-like in many ways. I think it's because I only knew how to relate to dogs, so that's what the cats got.
Anyway...I think your neighbor is quite irresponsible. At the very least, they should get their pets fixed, which, due to the "howling", I'm guessing they're not.
You're clearly very kind to them or they wouldn't hang around or let you snap their pictures.
Seems like you have many cats around your neighborhood, and I do too. Like you, I’m basically a dog person … but I have been adopted by a feral cat and have learned to love her. That said, I don’t like the cats who dig up my yard … especially the ones who ruin my newly planted flowers.
I posted my Camera Critters at Small Reflections this morning.
Hugs and blessings,
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