Grant Us Peace

Today, bloggers all over the world will publish posts asking, "Dona Nobis Pacem" which means "Grant Us Peace", and each of them will display their own version of the globe. Mine is a simple, home made one, as you see. But that's fine, because Peace, like Love and Happiness, is home made - or should be. Today is the Blog Blast for Peace. It is the beginning of the third year that this has taken place, twice a year in June and November, when people from at least forty- four countries around the world will participate. That's a lot of countries. And that's a lot of people. It must be catching on.
The whole world is praying for Peace. Please, do your part in any way you can.
Martin Luther King, Jr. told us, "Peace is not a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal." We cannot expect to arrive at the goal of Peace unless we hold Peace in our hearts and keep it foremost in our minds. The world offers us many barriers and detours and frustrations along our way through life. In the United States of America we have just held a Presidential Election. The results of that election were, to some of us, a victory, bringing hope for tomorrow. To others of us it was a disappointment which leaves behind it bitterness and despair. Nevertheless, all of us must hold in our hearts the hope and belief in Peace, and work toward that goal, each in his own way. I do believe that if there is disappointment and despair, those citizens will soon discover that our new President will, after all, prove himself to be worthy of the confidence the rest of us and apparently, most of the world feels for him.
We must never give up the Dream. We will achieve it. We will do it through faith and love and understanding and every day kindness toward one another. We will do it through thinking before we speak, through showing respect for one another - yes, even for those we don't really believe deserve it or those whose life styles we do not understand or approve.
Am I an idealistic dreamer? Yes. Please, God, I always will be. If there are enough of us, wonderful things will happen.
The names of those participating in Blog Blast for Peace can be found here. Perhaps next time, more of you will participate. Everyone, world over, is welcome. Everyone, world over, is needed.
I have hope that with President-Elect Obama we will begin our journey to Peace.
Cool !
Thank you and … Amen!
Thich Nhat Hanh teaches that ‘Peace is in every step’ … a choice in every instant no matter what’s happening around or within us. As each of us blogs for peace today, we join our minds and hearts together to create this reality in our world.
Hugs and blessings,
Wonderful post. We all need the peace :D
Beautiful words, bobbie, as always, you are so eloquent! Love the little dove, too!
I love your dove! She is beautiful :)
Your globe turned out great and a lot better than mine! I worked on mine fo hours trying to personalize it and then finally gave up and figured "the original globe" would be better than the ones I kept "goofing" up!!! So, here's to Peace!
I missed the Dona Nobis Pacem. I've unfornatately had very bad luck with connecting to Mimi Writes. Everytime I do, I can't scroll and then my computer freezes up. I managed to get the globe and the general gist but some of the details were not accessible.
But anyway, Dona Nobis Pacem, indeed!
Peace, Bobbie, peace for us and for our children and grandchildren ... and their children ...
Nicely put Bobbie. Very nicely put. Especially the last few lines. Everyone world over is indeed needed.
I say "Amen"to that! Let's pray for peace not only today but every day of our lives.
What a great post! You are a good writer! I know we all need to pary for peace, and not just today, but everyday!
great post Bobbie! & so true!
A beautiful post.
Peace to you, to us all. Today and every day.
Beautiful peace globe and post! Peace and love!
Inspiring post on peace you wrote today. Thank you.
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