Hello Critter Lovers. It's that time again. Misty Dawn hosts this meme for us every week. Thank you, Misty.
I think I've run out of critters. At least, current critters. I have to go way back a few months to find a photo of one of my favorite critters.
We came across this mama turtle in the process of laying her eggs - right in the middle of an intersection of dirt roads. I don't know that any of her young survived, since there were many tire tracks all through the intersection. Who knows if they had a fighting chance? But she had dug her hole and was well started in depositing eggs into it by the time we found her.

survival of the fittest?
beautiful capture! she is actually looking upto you!
That's a nice photo, and what kind of turtle is that?
she's lovely!! I adore turtles. out on LI I used to spend many a weekend rescuing them from roads.
they do seem to have a knack for finding the most dangerous places.
THAT is a wonderful capture, Bobbie ..
Great shot! Poor little Mama! Sorry she wasn't able to find a better spot!
I see she wanted to pose ha ha Sandy
It's an unusual place to lay eggs. I do hope that the young turtles will have a chance of surviving.
Here's hoping that turtle and her young survive ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
This must have been so exciting to see. I hope some of the baby turtles make it.
thats an amazing capture..hope they do survive ..
Awww! So cute!
I love the picture. For some reason I just love turtles and think they are such interesting creatures.
That is wonderful shot of the turtle.
Too bad she isn't able to differentiate between sandy intersections and beaches. Hope at least some hatched and survived!
The poor babies. What a great find though.
Nice turtle, we have them here..but sadly most babies dont get to reach to sea safely..
It does look like mama turtle is looking up at you. I hope some of her babies survived. Wonderful photo, Bobbie!
Poor mama turtle must not be too bright? I hope at least one of her babies made it but probably not. :( Nice shot!
I love turtles! My kids had them when they were growing up. We had to catch them in the wild because the pet stores wouldn't sell them! So every summer, they'd spot them walking across the road and we'd pull over and get one or two for them! Another wonderful post that sure brings back such fun memories!!!
Great photo... hope it was a good outcome for all. /Deb
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