(And she can read my blog posts and my emails.)
A little while ago I published a post titled Ten Things I Hate About Being Old. I suppose it's only fair and reasonable for me to speak to the other side.

1. I like having no schedule to follow. I have always wanted that. I dislike being forced to do the same things at the same time or in the same way. When I was working - at least for the last 18 years that I was working - the office was about three minutes from my home. I could have turned left out of my driveway, left again at the next corner, then right, and I was there. I almost never did that. I would go around the block, zig zag through the neighborhood, or maybe go up to the bay and drive along there. I wanted to see what the water looked like, or which neighbors were planting new gardens, or what was in bloom. I always allowed plenty of time to get to work each morning. Now it is necessary for me to do some things at the same time each day, like taking medication, or eating somewhere near the same times (though I often forget to eat and it runs late). But for the most part, I can do as I please when I please.
2. I can sleep in if I like. Strange. All my life I've been a morning person. I still am, up to a point. I do all my chores or shopping early, and by noon I'm ready to sit down and relax. But these days I find I sometimes want to sleep as late as 8: some mornings.
3. People hold doors for me! And salespeople often go find what I'm looking for while I wait by the counter. White hair and a cane seem to inspire courtesy.
4. There are some Senior Discounts. Not a lot, simply because I don't buy much very often, but occasionally I run into them.
5. People don't expect as much of me. That can really go on either list, because it can be a bit insulting. But it can also be nice if I don't feel like giving much of myself at some particular time.
6. I can speak my mind. Not that I haven't done that most of my life, but now I can get away with it more often without repercussions.
7. I have time to blog - or whatever I feel like doing. Or doing nothing at all.
8. I am no longer responsible for anyone else, day to day. We all have responsibilities for others all our lives of course, just because we are here on this earth along with them. But I no longer have to cook or sew or wipe noses or write notes to teachers, or deal with teen-age angst. I miss that sometimes. But mostly - not so much.
9. I don't have to answer to anyone. I would give anything if my husband were still here to answer to. But that aside, I no longer have an employer, and that is all good.
10. I still have a grandchild young enough to be pure joy as I watch his development and share his excitement of the discovery of the whole, wide world around him. He lives 3000 miles away of course, which is a huge disadvantage, but I am fortunate enough to have a daughter who keeps me well informed about his doings and sends many pictures on a regular basis, and encourages him to talk to me on the phone.
Well, that is ten. And at this point, as my life is winding down, my favorite thing is remembering. I have been very fortunate all of my life. It has always been very full of love and happiness, and many good people.The best of all, my husband, Ralph. I could not have asked for more.
So, I guess I'll stay around a little longer and enjoy it. Whenever the good Lord wants me, I'll be glad to go, but until then, I'll try not to turn into a crabby old lady. I'll keep on keeping on, as they say, and I know one of the most important things to keep me happy will be my blogging friends. So - thanks.
I am not sure there is anything I like about it.
'Gracefully' ain't in it.
I love gratitude lists, though your other list was very funny!
Nice list : smile...
See I can't see you as Old
You described what you like about being retired. Not old.
I loved reading your list, both of them really. Not only because it's nice to know a fellow blogger better, but it's a good lesson to those of any age, about time, changes and especially gratitude.
I like this list.
Especially #1 and 2.
Bear((( )))
Bobbie ~ I enjoyed both of your lists and found both to be touching, amusing and insightful... especially as I mosey on down that long, long trail. ~ Deb
Great list and lovely to hear your friend is getting good care and a very thoughful daughter!
interesting comments...and amen to being able to speak your mind. a lot of those comments make me think of my dear auntie in rome, italy who is 84 and having a difficult time at the moment.
take care
Your list is really a nice one!
I liked your blog so much that will come back again.
Greetings from Brasil.
I think we could all make a list of the things we like and the things we don't like about being old and there are times when I really have to scratch and dig to find the things that I like, but most of the time I'm really happy to have the time to do or not to do whatever, no schedules. The aches and pains that sometime accompany the "doing" occasionaly get in my way of being grateful, but not that often. Life is good -- even "old life"!
Thank you for the happy reminder of why I'm happy. My mother says this is the happiest she's been, too.
I am happy that Wyetta has a computer now. Easier for you two to keep in touch. I like your list. Lisa
This list is just as good as your other one. I don't know how old you are but you are a very wise woman!
Hi!I stopped in by way of Kay's list of favorites. I enjoyed your two lists of 10 things I ....
I am originally from NJ and have family in Toms River.
Retirement is a wonderful state of mind.
Hooray for Wyetta's new computer! I hope she starts her own blog!
As for being old? Bobbie - you really are fantastic. I love this list - especially the part about not having to answer to any employers.
I, on the other hand, speak my mind all the time repercussions or not. I just have no self-control.
Please keep enjoying your memories on your blog - we enjoy hearing about your memories, too!
I agree, Bobbie. Although I am still working part-time, I do treasure my freedom (so to speak) from schedules and senior discounts are wonderful!
This is a great list and I scrolled down to read the other one, too. My fear is not being able to take care of my personal self and will some day need a nurse.
Thanks for posting this, Bobbie. It's marvellous to find someone enjoying their elder years. I found your words very moving.
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