Saturday, September 20, 2008

Camera Critters #24

It's Camera Critters time again, and one of my favorite places in the world is Monterey, California. And one of my favorite places in Monterey is their wonderful aquarium down on Cannery Row. From time to time, they hold little talks or classes for the general public outside of their building, on a deck extending into Monterey Bay. If you look over the railing you will usually see sights like this one.

This picture of a sea lion is kind of fuzzy. I'm not sure why. But another I took the same day at a greater distance seems to be clear. The sea lions are pretty comical to watch, and they make a whole lot of noise - especially if several get together.

Misty Dawn hosts Camera Critters for us each week. Go to her site to find lots more animals, or to participate with your own pictures.


Indrani said...

The classes must be really interesting conducted on a deck.
You have got good shots too!

kenju said...

I have always wanted to see Cannery Row!

Sylvia K said...

We can see them here down near the Seattle harbor and they are such fun to watch! I love them!

Lapa37 said...

They are such awesome creatures large and beautiful.

ratmammy said...

i love those sea lions!

and no... blackie does not share his wrapping paper with bob.. although a few times i have seen bob slide into the paper... odd... it was like he was proving to us that yes, he is allowed to play there too, since bob is the top cat in the family!

Anonymous said...

A lot noisier that seals then, who are mainly active in the water but just ie about looking soulful otherwise. We saw many when we were islanders but stupidly I never photographed them.

Anonymous said...

Monterey. Cannery Row. Placces of my dreams. Lovely pics.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bobbie! Cannery Row is a great place to explore and the Sea Lions are one of my favorites!

Juliana said...

nice capture of sea lion....

Please drop at my CC post also: in HERE. Thanks

Reader Wil said...

Sealions are fascinating, aren't they?1 I like them too. Have a great weekend. Thanks for your visit and the turkeys did get their food eventually.

Carletta said...

Very fun creatures to watch!

No one else said anything but I'm only seeing one pic the other has a red X. Could just be me - wanted you to know.

Carletta said...

After commenting I clicked back and the other pic popped up - I like it. (was probably just my pc)

storyteller said...

Oh yez … I love Monterey too … the Aquarium … and watching the Sea Lions. The octopus is pretty kewl too … actually I love the whole thing and there are such wonderful places to dine in the area as well. Makes me think it might be time for a trip up north …
My CC’s at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Sea lions are funny to watch. I love how they are sitting on the rock just so proud.

Carrie said...

great shots! I just love sea lions :)

thanks for visiting my CC!

me ann my camera said...

I've never seen sea lions, what a wonderful sight this must have been to see them first hand.

Unknown said...

Oh, I love these. Next time we go back to CA - and it will be frequently I must go to Monterey.

W.P.'s daughter has been in SF for three years now and SG1 will likely move somewhere out there next Spring.

Thank you for the great pictures, Bobbie!

Pat - Arkansas said...

I enjoyed your sea lion photos. I've not had the pleasure of seeing these in "real life."

Thanks for your visit to my CC spider post today.

Norm said...

good shot! I love sea lion, fun and beautiful...

Anonymous said...

Yes they are very noisy animals but entertaining for sure :)

A Blog In The Rough said...

Sea lions are so cute and funny, I love them, but then again I love all critters! thanks for sharing your pictures

jenn said...

Wow, what a great shot!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures and pretty talented sea lion. Thanks for the visit.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Bobbie: What a neat shot of the seals.

EG CameraGirl said...

I've never watched sea lions in the wild. It must be cool!

Gretchen said...

Neat shots! I've only seen sea lions in the zoo. Must be wonderful to see them out in the wild where they belong.

Kelly said...

Bobbie, Thanks for checking in with me, I feel and am so far behind and am looking forward to catching up with everyone! My dad came up from Houston and has been here with me and in Kansas City with my brother for over a week now. It's been nice and we are happy he's here, but I've gotten way off schedule and haven't been able to get it all back together again yet. He'll leave tomorrow to go back home to Houston (his plans as of today) and then I can catch up with all my friends! I just noticed so many posts and photos on your blog that I'm looking so forward to reading and looking at! You are so kind to check on me and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it! Thanks again, and will write and catch up in a few days! Bless You!!

i beati said...

oh I love this .. in his element sandy

AppleDebbie said...

Bobbie, I love the Monterey Bay Aquarium... it's such a fun place to visit. I love your sea lion photos. Did you see the sea otters while you were there as well?

D... said...

Oh, how I love watching Sea Lion antics! What fun!

Alida Thorpe said...

This was one of my best trips ever!
I love the sea lions, even if they are noisy!
Alida (Long Island Woman)

Rambling Woods said...

I've only seen sea-lions in photos or on TV..They don't seem to like Lake Erie....GG...Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving nice comments....

Anonymous said...

Great sea lions - A big "Thank You" from a New England landlubber ~ Deb

Misty DawnS said...

I would LOVE to be somewhere where I could look over the railing and see sights like this!!! How awesome!