Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mellow Yellow Monday

Hi. Hope you all enjoyed Halloween!

Drowsy Monkey is again hosting Mellow Yellow Monday for us.

I just have a few autumn yellows to offer today.Some old, some new.


Carletta said...

I love the first one! I also like the light filtering among the leaves in the center of the second image.
Lovely fall color!!!

Anonymous said...

those are lovely yellows!!


whizkid said...

oh! these are such sunny warm colours :) lovely!

Nutty Gnome said...

Hi Bobbie, I popped into here from Shady's blog and I've had a lovely time reading all your posts - your grandson's T-Rex costume is wonderful!
Great photos and a lovely blog .... thank you for sharing it with us :)

Dianne said...

these are all beautiful!!
rich colors

Isaac is the most adorable dinosaur I have ever seen

Rambling Woods said...

Beautiful colors Bobbie....

Deborah Godin said...

I can almost feel the sun and smell the leafy aroma! Wonderfully mellow!

Mimi said...

And a very nice collection it is too!
I like the last one best, the mix of reds and yellows is good.

Stephanie V said...

Really warm and mellow colors. I love mums any time.

Shady Gardener said...

Hi Bobbie, I can understand your feelings about November... when you think that Winter is ready to breathe down our necks! However, I'm trying to be positive in that I'm seeing beauty yet (as in your photos) and looking forward to a few outdoor workdays that I haven't yet had... and Thanksgiving!! Both my children and their families will be in my home at the same time! Yea! Loved the post of your grandson's costume. Hope you're doing well! :-)

Crayons said...

I just love this conjugation of autumn colors. I often forget this beauty when spring comes along.

January Zelene said...

those are lovely!

Thanks for sharing!

visit mine too...

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

Beautiful photos, Bobbie! I can almost smell those musky autumn leaves. . .

Kathie Brown said...

Wonderful autumn colors bobbie!

Teena in Toronto said...

The bottom ones are cheery :)

I played too :)