I've been going just a little crazy the past few days because my camera stopped working. I am lost without a camera. Good thing it has been raining so steadily, so I really haven't had too much to take pictures of. But still, I see some of my crocuses are blooming - well, would be blooming if the sun ever came out. They are up. Purple and white. All those I planted last fall are still just sprouting along with the daffodils and tulips.
But there are a few things I would like to photograph in the house. My darling grandson sent me a hug. He lay down and his mom drew an outline around him on paper. Then they cut it out and colored it. His arms are reaching out to hug me. I tacked it to the wall in the hallway, and I would like to

take a picture to show him where I put it.
I started this post last week. But now - the sunshine has returned, I bought a new camera, still to be delivered, and things are looking up. Of course the first thing I will photograph will be the hug that Isaac sent me for my birthday.
The sun shone again for my birthday too. Can't get better than that! Both of my out-of-state daughters called me, and the other two kids came bearing birthday cake . Lisa, my "other daughter" came too. Here are miniature roses that she brought me. So of course it was a great day for me. The crocuses opened wide in the garden as well. And the hawk lai

d her second egg on my birthday. - But I only see one egg left in the hummer's nest. - There was a real close up picture of the eagles, and as the parents changed places, the three chicks were easily seen. The biggest was craning its neck over the side. So cute!
I bought another point and shoot - but its a Nikon with a stronger zoom and more megapixels. Always wanted a Nikon. Of course, I envisioned something more fancy, but this will do just fine. I'm past the point where I can go on real photo safaris. I don't have it yet. Staples let me down and didn't send it out when promised. But I'll have it next week. Meantime, I took

pictures of my crocuses because Lisa was kind enough to let me use one of her cameras. Figured they wouldn't last forever. But, I should have another crop of them by the time mine arrives anyway.
I'm so grateful for these past few days of glorious weather. They say it will be chilly again next week.

Today we had another birthday celebration. My son turned fifty! Rita and I enjoyed a visit there, along with their daughter, SOL, and the two babies. Jimmy is a pretty precocious two year old, and Joey is an adorable five and a half months. And of course, their dog, Eli. Here he is with Rita.
Thanks for the loan of the camera, Lisa!
By the way. I removed the hummingbird nest video from the sidebar for now. After a couple of encounters with a lizard, first one egg then the other disappeared and I believe Phoebe abandoned the nest. Hopefully she will move to a new one.