Thinking Green Thursday is brought to us each week by Michellle, who writes the most wonderful posts, accompanied by wonderful photos.
My post this week is the result of my own daydreaming. As most of my readers know, my youngest daughter has lived in Monterey County, California for several years. I have visited out there many times, and I think it is the next best thing to heaven. I had intended moving to the area when I retired, but that never happened, for several reasons. I suppose it's for the best, considering the present cost of living in Monterey. But I can dream, can't I?
All pictures in this post come from my daughter,
Kathryn. She spent some time last week in Big Sur country.

It's beauty is breath-taking - in sunshine -

and in the fog that often hangs low over the coastline.

There are several places in the county which are destinations for monarch butterflies to spend the winter. This was one of them, and Kathryn captured some lovely photos of a monarch on an echium plant.
Do I even have to ask if this world is worth saving? Every part of our Planet Earth offers such wonders. How do we dare to despoil it?

How do we dare to ignore any opportunity to do whatever we can to help to preserve all of this for our children?
This is my grandson, busy planting

peas in the raised bed his father has just finished creating.
He deserves a beautiful, clean, healthy world to enjoy.
The children of Haiti also deserve that kind of world. Please go to Michelle's post to find where you can make contribution toward helping them in the terrible disaster they have suffered.